{10} || Choosing Sides

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"Harry Potter is dead!" The Dark Lords voice rang out through the courtyard, making multiple kids shrink away from him. That monster.
I remained emotionless, my hand gripping tightly onto Draco's as we watched the scene go down.
When Voldemort first asked if anyone wanted to join his army, I didn't think much of it. I wasn't worried about it, until Draco's parents came forward.

"Draco." I whispered. "Don't."
Feeling his hand grip mine tighter made me calm down, maybe he would choose to stay. Maybe everything will be okay.
"Draco." His parents called out. "Draco, come on."
When I felt him slowly let go of my hand and take a step forward, my heart dropped, and I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"Draco please."

"Ah, Draco." The Dark Lord said with a sinister smile, just as my arms had dropped and allowed my boyfriend to make his way towards the group, all stiff like. They hugged, and I could see his posture tense up. He didn't want to.
A sob racked itself from my chest, and I felt arms wrap around me, holding me. Neville. He was hugging me tightly, and then he started to make his way forward with me.
"No." I cried, wriggling around in his arms. "Stop! I don't want to, I'd rather die!"

"Ah! And who might you be?"

"Neville Longbottom and {Y/N}

Laughter erupted from around us, and I picked up my head to see a familiar pair of blue eyes staring directly at us, glaring at Neville. I narrowed my eyes, how dare he! He left me!

My heart was shattering into a thousand little pieces the more I thought about him, which of course, made me cry harder. I was trembling in Neville's arms as he spoke about Harry. When he had finished talking, my head snapped up and I finally spoke.

"It doesn't matter that Harry Potter is gone, he is in our hearts and he is helping us fight stronger. I swear to god, Voldemort," When I said his name, literally everyone froze. "I will kill you, even if it's the last thing I do, because if Harry were here, he'd do the same."

Just as I closed my mouth, I heard a familiar voice speak up. "No. I'll kill him." Harry rolled out of Hagrids arms and pointed his wand at The Dark Lord, immediately casting a spell but he missed.
Someone shot a spell at Neville, which hit both him and I, his arms loosening around me enough that I collapsed to the ground, and he shot backwards.

"{Y/N}!" Someone called out, and then I was lifted up into someone's arms. They ran away with me, and set me down on a table. I struggled to focus on anything, I could hardly hear! "Focus princess."

"Dray?" I asked softly, shaking my head in hopes it would help me focus. "I can't see."

"Someone hit you with a spell in the face, you're bleeding." He murmured, wiping blood off my lip. "I'm so sorry."

"You should be." Was my reply, before I flung myself forward into his arms. "You fucking git."
"{Y/N/N}." He groaned into my neck, his arms curling around me tightly. "Don't swear."
"But you are a git!" I defended, ruffling his hair blindly.

"Babe, Stop- hey- my hair- I- babeee!" He complained, gripping my wrists tightly. "Stop it."
I looked up at him, my own eyes finally focusing in on his pale, blue eyes. "You love me, blue eyes."

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now