{5} || I Will Always Love You

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I gripped onto Draco's hand as we ran through the corridor, shouting and loud crashing sounds filling my ears. I was shaking, yes, but I wasn't backing down. "Stupefy!" I shouted at a death eater, whipping my wand in his direction, and I successfully hit him.

"Good job princess." Draco said with a smile, tugging me closer to him. "Protego!"

"Expelliarmus!" An unfamiliar deep voice shouted, twice, making both Draco's and my wand tumble away. A profanity leaves Draco's lips as he slowly pulls me behind him, narrowing his eyes as the man.
"Greyback." He says coldly.

"Ah, Draco." The werewolf chuckles, his blood teeth glimmering in the light.


"Stay behind me, love." Draco whispers, slowly slipping his family ring in my hand. Without even thinking, I slip on the ring. He knows it calms me down. His ring. "Greyback Leave."

"Can't, I've got a witch to kill." The werewolf smirks, his eyes landing on me. "Ah. Your girlfriend. What a shame, Draco."

"Shut up!" He hisses, taking a step back, making me stumble over a rock. In that one instance, I'm vulnerable. "Crucio!"
At first, I don't feel anything. Then the pain hits, and I'm talking every muscle that I didn't even know existed erupted in pain. I dropped to the ground like a sack of rocks and curled into the fetal position, a high pitched scream leaving my lips. I feel Draco walk away from me for a second, and my heart drops. I let out another scream, this one filled with more pain. Please don't leave me. My eyes squeeze shut and I squirm around. Footsteps crunch against broken glass and gravel, and then his hand is on me again.
"Expelliarmus." Draco says quickly, forcing the pricks wand to fly off to the side. "Don't you dare use that curse on her, you mutt."
The werewolf just laughed dryly, stooping down to pick up the thin stick. When he finally looked back at us, his pupils were huge. "Must we fight Draco? Just give me the girl, I just need her."

"No." Draco's grip on me tightened, and I stood up, burying myself in his chest.
"Don't get hurt." I whisper into his ear. "You promised."
I can feel his body relax as I wrap my arms around his neck, placing a kiss on his neck.
"Go away, Greyback."

"Okay..." To our surprise, Greyback turns around and takes a step forward. Thank Merlin. I face Draco and stand up on my tippy toes, planting a kiss on his soft lips. "I love you."

"I love you too {Y/N}-"

He's cut off by Greyback, who suddenly jabs his wand at me and growls one word that terrified me.
A scream tears itself from my lips, Draco shoving me to the side. The spell skimmed my side, but thanks to Draco, I'm okay.
I sit up, seeing Greyback with a smirk on his face and groan. Stupid. fucking. werewolves.

"{Y/N}.." I heard Draco croak, and I look down to see his chest covered in blood, just like how I found him when he and Harry fought, when Harry used dark magic on him.
"Draco!" I say loudly, my hands pulling at his shirt, tearing it apart. "Oh my god!"

"Poor. Poor, girl." Greyback grins, pointing his wand at us. "I'll kill you both now."
"Crucio." I heard Draco say, and Greyback is shot backwards too.

"I'll go get help Dray, I promise, stay with me. Please baby." I cry out, standing up to see if anyone is around.
"Princess." Draco whispered weakly, his hand grabbing my ankle. "Stay."
"Draco Malfoy, let go." I say shakily. "I'll find someone, I swear it."

"Please." He says again, his blue eyes staring up into mine. "Please stay, let me look at you for the last few minutes of my life."

As soon as those words left his mouth, I lost it. I dropped to my knees and cradled his head in my arms, crying my heart out. "Don't cry, love." He'd whisper, over and over again. "I love you, I'd do anything for you baby."
"Then stay." I plead, burying my face into his neck. "Stay with me Draco."

Draco Malfoy|| One Shots/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now