{65} Wrong way

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third person
House- Any bc this doesn't take place at hogwarts

**Also, I need imagine/one shot ideas because I'm struggling

{Y/N} was sprawled on her bed, scrolling through Instagram. It was around 8:30, and she was exhausted. Her eyes were drooping, and she had just dropped her phone, half falling asleep, when her phone buzzed. She jolted up and blinked her eyes rapidly, reaching blindly for her phone. Looking at the home screen, she was surprised to see a text from a certain boy.

Draco The Meme- hey, you up?

She let out a sigh, yet a smile formed on her face as she thought of a reply.

You- nah fam, my lemur is replying to you.

It didn't take long for a response, Draco was being persistent.

Draco The Meme- oiy shut up. get your stuff, let's have a sleepover at my house.

You- fine, crabass, see ya in 10.

The girl gathered all of her stuff up into a small backpack, including things like her favorite hoodie, charger, earbuds, a bag of gummy bears, and some clothes to change into tomorrow, seeing as she was already wearing leggings and a sleep shirt.

When {Y/N} got close to his house, she pulled out her phone, her eyes scanning the song that was playing. Bellyache by Billie Elish begun to play, and she popped the earbuds in.

You- passing DQ.

When {Y/N} got to his street,
she didn't know where exactly Draco lived, so she started to walk up the hill, shivering a little bit. The ground was covered in snow and ice, and the wind was super cold.

Draco The Meme- no. {Y/N}.

Draco The Meme- no. turn around.

The witch turned around, her eyes locking onto the thin Slytherin.

You- help.

As she walked down the hill, she smiled, recognizing his platinum hair and stormy eyes. Just as {Y/N} stepped into the road, a car whizzed past her, partially hitting her in the process. In alarm, the girl shrieked and stumbled forward, tears blurring her eyes. The side of the car had knocked into the {h/n} (house name), which knocked the air from her lungs.

Just as she dropped to her knees, Draco caught her and pulled {Y/N} tight against his body, his face burying into her neck. "It's okay, you're alright, I promise."
She nodded her head, her arms curling around his built frame, absorbing his body heat.

"This is your fault." She grumbled. "You made me leave my house."

"You could've said no."

"You didn't give me a choice." She hissed, smacking his chest playfully. "You practically commanded me."

"I was lonely." He frowned.

At his comment, {Y/N} found that she was no longer upset with him. Instead, she sighed and laid her head against his chest. "Let's go inside. It's freezing out here, you aren't wearing a jacket, and I almost died."

"Maybe look for cars next time, genius." He snorted, making her slap him yet again.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" She shouted as he dragged her towards the large house.

This is short and it sucks, so I'm sorry about that, but I don't have any motivation nor ideas for this book, help me ://

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