{84} Forget-Me-Not

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(The picture above is just.. agh 🥵)

This is a Draco and Matteo imagine.

(Also I fixed the line in I Just Died part 2)


"I don't know!" Draco shouted at me, his eyes narrowing at me. "I don't have to tell you everything I do!"

Those words felt like a stab in the heart.

"So it's true." I whispered after a moment. "You were with her last night." I looked up at him, hoping he would soften and deny it. Instead, his lips curled into a snarl.
"So what if I was? You're too busy to hang out with me most days anyways!"
There was a soft laugh from behind me, making Draco's head jerk up.

"So because I'm too busy, you decided to hang out with fucking Daphne?" I asked, my voice trembling with anger. "She's a fucking child, Draco!"
"She's pretty flexible too." He sneered, a devilish looking spreading on his face as he tore his eyes away from Matteo, who was behind me. When his eyes locked with mine his smirk only got bigger. "Are you fucking Riddle?"

"No." Matteo answered for the both of us. "As much as I like her, {Y/N} was faithful to you."

"But would she be with you if I wasn't in the picture?" Draco asked, his voice raising. "Here, let's see, {Y/N}, babe, I'm breaking up with you." His eyes were manic, glazed over from his anger and cockiness. "Now try, I bet you she will say yes!!"

"Draco, stop-" I tried to counter, but was cut off by a loud slapping sound. I heard it before I felt the heat spread through my cheek, and I winced, my hand covering the reddened skin. His ring has cut into me as well, I could feel the blood getting on my fingers. There wasn't too much, but it was definitely there.

I dropped my hands from my face, tears welling in my eyes from both anger and pain. "I always knew you were like your fucking father." I seethed.
Matteo got behind me and folded his arms around me snugly, pulling me backwards and away from my now ex-boyfriend.

"Draco, what the bloody hell is wrong with you?" He asked. "Why don't you ask her what she's been doing this whole time instead of fucking hitting her, huh?"

"Fine. What have you been doing, {L/N}?"

I looked up at Matteo and he nodded his head and let me go. So I looked at Draco straight in the face and ripped my sleeve up on my left arm.

His face paled almost instantaneously, and his eyes softened as all of the anger left his body.

The dark ink that swirled on my arm made him rethink what he just did.

"Why..I don't.. what?" He stumbled through his broken sentence, and he reached a hand out to touch my arm. I recoiled before he could and rolled my sleeve down, my eyes hardening.

"While you were fucking Daphne I was out there, serving the dark lord, protecting you."

"Protecting me?"

"She got the mark so you didn't have to." Matteo explained carefully. He spoke slowly and clearly, watching my face the whole time. "She's been with my father lately."

I just stared at the floor, trying to numb all of the emotions and thoughts I felt.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I loved you." I whispered. "Because I would've done anything for you. And I still will."

"Don't be stupid, {Y/N}-"

"You lost the right to tell me what to do a long time ago, Draco Malfoy." I continued, raising my head to look at him.

"I never fucked her." He confessed. "I only said that to hurt you."

"Well it worked."

"Please. Darling, I love you." He pleaded, his calloused hands grabbing my own. "I always have."

"Draco I never said I would stop loving you." I shook my head. "But I can't be with you anymore."

"Because of what I said?"

"No." I said truthfully. "I can't be with you anymore, because I want to keep you safe."

"I don't care, listen, I need you-"

"No you don't. You will be just fine without me." I whispered. "I'm sorry."
His grip on my hands loosened and he grabbed my face, pulling me into him as our lips mashed together.

I didn't pull back.

One of my hands gripped his hair and the other wrapped around his neck as I kissed him back. I tasted salt and then realized that he was crying, and I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

I would always love him. Forever and ever. Draco Malfoy would always hold a piece of my heart.

I promise.

I pulled away and smiled weakly, Matteo's hand landed on my shoulder and I took that as my cue to step back.

Draco looked utterly crushed, but he didn't fight me anymore.

Instead, he grabbed my hand and placed his ring in it, before letting go of me completely.

"I'll wait for you." He said. "I'm going to wait for you, because in the end, it'll always be you."

"That might be a long time." I said softly.

"However long it takes. I'll wait." He repeated himself. "I love you, {Y/N}."

And I love you, Draco Lucius Malfoy.

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