{82} Duplicate Pt. 2

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(I love that pic of him ahh)
(Also Matteo Riddle will be in this chappie. Possible MxM so if you don't like that please skip this one <3 )

First Person POV

A week had passed since Draco's little incident. He was definitely kissing my ass over it as well. Every time I mentioned something I wanted he did it. At this point it was getting rather irritating. So, I finally snapped.

"I just really want that new broomstick-"

"I could buy it for you." Draco chimed in, just as planned. So I turned around and grabbed his chin, my face getting close to his.

"Stop that."


"Quit. Kissing. My. Ass. I get it. You regret what happened. But I am over it, Draco. So stop it. You are getting on my nerves. Do you understand me?"
"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am." He replied quickly, his big grey eyes glossing over. "I just miss how we were."
I let out a sigh and leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Baby, we can get back there. I just need time okay?"

"Okay." He murmured, a soft smile flitting onto his face. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby boy." I whispered back, placing another kiss on his lips. "Just don't pull that shit ever again. I'm yours and you are mine."

"Always." He murmured, taking my hand in his and leading me down the hallway.


It was the that evening when I decided to grab a snack from the kitchen. It was probably around midnight, and mostly everyone was asleep. I grabbed a small cinnamon strudel cake and started to head back to my dorm when all of a sudden, a doorway appeared out of nowhere.

The room of requirement was asking me to come inside for some reason. Why else would it have showed itself to me?

So.. I did what any person would do. I walked in.

The sound of moaning filled my ears, and my eyes widened when I noticed Matteo, with his hands all over Draco. They were making out, nonetheless, and Draco's shirt was off.

My shocked expression turned into a smirk, and I cleared my throat making both of the boys separate almost immediately. Draco's eyes met mine and his face paled, as he walked towards me. He grabbed my face and planted the most desperate yet passionate kiss on my lips he had in years. My hands cupped his own face and I kissed him back, making him pull away quickly. "Please believe me, I love you-"
"Draco." I cut him off, tilting my head up a little bit and raising my eyebrow at him. "I haven't yelled at you. With are you coming up with an excuse to be making out with Riddle here."

"Because I thought-"
"You thought wrong." I chuckled. "Baby, I do not care that you like that boy."
"But I cheated-"

"No." I shook my head. "No you didn't."

"I didn't?"

"No." Matteo cut in, coming up behind him. He snaked his arms around Draco's waist and kissed his ear. "No because, she already knew."
"You told her??"
"It was obvious." I laughed again. "You look at Matteo here quite often, Draco."

"I do?"

"Oh you poor confused baby." Matteo mused. "Yes. You do. You like to look at me. But you also love to look at your girlfriend over there." He said, gesturing to me.

"So we have come up with a plan. If you consent to it." I finished the sentence.
"Date us."
Draco looked at me wildly and then back at Matteo. "Wha..you're serious?"
Matteo laughed at his bewilderment and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him, his lips landing on mine.
I moaned when he pulled on my hair, just a little bit, before letting go of me completely. I then, leaned towards Draco and planted my lips onto his. Draco wasted no time in responding, his arm curling around my waist.

I pulled away and grinned. "So..?"

"Yes. Yes yes yes!" Draco said excitedly. "I would love that! But would you two be dating as well?"
"We would be a throuple." Matteo mused. "We would all be one couple. I will love her just as much as I do you, Dray."

Draco looked at him and then looked back at me. "And you're both okay with this?"

"If we weren't-"

"We wouldn't have brought it up." Matteo finished.

I nodded my head in agreement.
"You.. you can top Matteo?" Draco asked quietly.
I looked at Matteo and opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it.

His calloused hand gripped my throat and he pulled me to him roughly. A startled yelp left my lips but I was silenced by him kissing me, roughly. He pulled away and moved to my neck, and then he shoved me down onto my knees. His hand left my throat and he moved his thumb to brush it against my lips. "Such a pretty mouth.. can you put that to use, {Y/N}?"

I nodded before I even processed what was happening.

Thankfully, I was pulled back onto my feet by Draco. "You've proved your point, Riddle." He said.
Matteo rose an eyebrow at Draco. "Don't sass me, boy."

"Matteo." I hissed. "He's going to be territorial over me. The only dick he's going to want me to suck is his for now. He's not used to sharing."

"He will get used to it if we are a throuple."

"Oh Merlin. Quit calling it that." I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"That's what it's called!"

"Guys." Draco whined. "Stop arguing."

We both turned to look at Draco, and then looked back at each other. Our mouths turned into a smirk before we looked back at him.

"I know what will solve this." I said slowly.

"It's play time, love." Matteo finished.

And Draco's eyes widened.


Yoooooo this is gonna get real steamy but I think I'm gonna make this one shot into an actual book, ya know? I think it has potential to be that. I also think Draco should get a turn to be a dominant one soon... since I only thought of your character as being a switch. Let's see how it plays, shall we?


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