{52} Drowning

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WARNING- triggering content



House- Any

T h i r d   P e r s o n   P O V

{Y/N} laid there, in the prefects bathroom. She was currently taking a hot bath, her head angled so it was just above the water and bubbles. Her skin burned, the water cleaning out each wound that was in her legs.
The girl had something called stress scratches, so when she was anxious/nervous/etc, she scratched, and she wouldn't let them heal because of how stressed she was. When they did heal, which was rare, they left scars.
Currently, she was cleaning the one on her inner thigh, which sucked since it was deep.

A tear slipped down her face, her eyes fluttering close as she thought about everything. The pain wouldn't fade away, and the next thing she knew she was under water. Her back hit the tiled bottom and her eyes shot open, showing that she was so far down that the surface was at least four feet above her.

She forgot about the enchantment that made the bath deep.
{Y/N} smiled, noticing how the pain in her leg had finally gone away, her hair floating freely.
As she grinned, the air bubbles leaked out and floated upwards, but she didn't care. She just smiled wider until she giggled.

Then all was dark.


F i r s t P e r s o n

My whole body convulsed as I spat up water, my back arching with my head tilted back. Cold hands pressed down harder against my chest, shoving against me so hard that I practically threw up. Luckily, I coughed, and more water came tumbling out.
Another shove down on my chest, and this time I did throw up, except I threw up plain old water. Soapy water, I may add.
"What the hell are you thinking?!" I heard a familiar voice hiss, making me finally come back to reality. My eyes opened and I sat up, leftover water running down my chin as I struggled to inhale.
"Me?" I sputtered, my voice breaking. "I think that's pretty damn obvious!"

"No, it's not!" Malfoy spat back, and then he did something that surprised me. His face softened and he reached forward, fixing his robe which he had wrapped around my nude body that had come undone, seeing as I had forgotten I was taking a bath, and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Why did you do that?" He whispered.
"Because." I mumbled, getting up to my feet. His robe definitely trailed behind me, seeing as he is taller then I am and definitely more built. "It is not your problem, Malfoy."
"But it is!" He grabbed my wrist, pulling me forward into his chest, his eyes ablaze. He reached down and moved the robe in the slightest, revealing the scars and open wounds that I despised. "Why?"
"Draco." I growled, smacking his hand away and fixing the robe. "Please."

"You used my first name." He murmured, yet again reaching towards me. I stumbled backwards, falling into the now lukewarm bath water.
Draco leapt forward, grasping my waist tightly, falling into the bathtub as well. He pulled me up and out, tugging his robe around me yet again. "Stop it. Let me take care of you."
"Why?" I finally whispered, grabbing his face in my hands. "Why do you care? The guy who bullied me mercilessly for being a halfblood, why the fucking hell do you care?"

"I don't know. I just do. I came in here, seeing you half dead in the bath and something in me snapped." He whispered, cupping my own face into his hands. "I need you, {L/N}."

"Do you?"

"Yes." He replied without thinking, kissing my forehead lightly. "Without a doubt."

"Promise me you won't leave me?"

"Never in a million years. I'll do whatever it takes."

If only he knew what that meant at the time.

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