{23} || Im Coming For You

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"{Y/N}! Get down here!" My father's voice bounced off the walls of my room, making me drop my book in alarm.

"Shit." I muttered, quickly slipping out of bed and racing down the stairs to the living room where my parents sat, just waiting for me. "Yes?"
My mother's eyes glossed over as she held up an envelope. A letter, to me.

"I thought we told you to break up with him." My heart dropped to my feet and I was suddenly sick to my stomach. Oh. That is what this is about. My parents don't accept my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. They don't like, or trust him.

"Give me your phone."


"Either give it to me, and I text him, or you break up with him yourself." She hissed, tearing the letter in half right before my eyes. Inside, I wanted to scream and cry, instead I slowly grabbed my phone and pulled up Draco's contact, our messages. My eyes drifted back to my parents, who stared at me. My mom nodded her head, making me whimper as the tears finally poured down my face.

To; My Baby🖤🐍

I'm sorry Draco, this isn't working. I'm breaking up with you. Please understand this, I don't mean to hurt you.

After the message sent, and it delivered, I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes as my body trembled. "Please don't make me do this.."

"You've crossed the line, {Y/N}." My father said hoarsely, just as my phone went off.

From; My Baby🖤🐍

Excuse me? You can't break up with me, I love you. And I know you love me.

I felt my heart shatter as I read those words. I love you. I sunk to the ground and sobbed out, my fingers typing away rapidly as I cried. My parents only watched, my father smirking, my mum silently crying with me. I think she understood him and I, but she always listened to my father.

To; My Baby🖤🐍

I'm sorry Draco. We are over.

I was sobbing at this point, as soon as I sent it I put my phone down next to me and looked my father dead in the eyes. "I hope you're fucking happy!" I screamed. "For ruining my damn life! And you wonder why I hate you! I hate you so damn much!"
My phone went off one last time, luckily neither parent noticed since I was screaming at my father.
"I will not take this from you, young lady!" My father snapped back, his eyes full of anger and fury.

I glanced down at my phone, that one single message giving me hope.

From; My Baby🖤🐍

This is not over, Baby. I'm coming for you.

I jumped to my feet, chucked my phone across the room and pointed my wand at my father. "How dare you yell at me?! Do you have any idea how much this crushed me?! How much I hate myself and you for making me do this?! I was happy with him!"

There was a small sound from the kitchen, making all of us whip our heads over in that direction. My mum stepped forward, her fingers brushing against my father's arm, the look in her eyes told me she knew. She knew it was him.

Less then a minute later, a familiar platinum haired boy walked into the living room, his eyes red and glossed over. He opened his mouth, most likely to yell at me, until he looked into my own eyes and saw the same red, puffy eyes. He looked at my parents -how my father's jaw was clenched and how my mum was shaking. When his grey eyes finally landed back on me, he stepped forward, which made me fling myself into his arms and burst into tears. I sobbed into his chest as his arms curled around my smaller frame.
"Leave." My father commanded, making me pick my head up and look at him again.

"I'm not leaving without her." Draco said sternly, pulling me closer to him.

"She broke up with you! Hate her!"

"You made her do it! Why would she ever break up with me, when she promised me she'd marry me?"
My parents went silent as I slowly let go of Dray and step towards them.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. But I love him, and I swore I'd marry him. I have a ring to prove it." I slowly held out my left hand, revealing a silver snake ring that coiled around my finger snugly.

"And you didn't tell us?" My mum asked.

"Why would I tell you something you'd yell at me for?"

"He needs to leave." My father repeated, taking a menacing step forward. His hand gripped my wrist and he yanked me away from my boyfriend, making me yelp out. "Leave boy!"

I could see the look in Draco's eyes as he mentally told me everything I needed to do, and so when his body begun to twist around, preparing to apparate, I dug my nails into my dads wrists. He swore and let me go, giving me enough time to stumble backwards into Draco's arms, just as he apparated away.

The last thing I heard my mum say to me, was; "{Y/N}! Be safe!"
And then I was gone, my love for Draco stronger then ever.

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