{72} I Just... Died Pt. 2

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{Warning- This chapter does contain smut!}

"{Y/N}. You're alive again."


That was one day ago. I don't even know how Draco managed to convince whoever it is up there to bring me back, but I am alive.

"{Y/N}." Draco whispered into my ear, his arms tightening around my stomach. "Wake up, beautiful."

A groan slipped my lips as I peeled my eyes open, arching my back against him and wiggling my hips, making his breathing hitch. Dray moved his hands to my hips. "Watch yourself there, missy. You're gonna get yourself into something if you aren't careful."
"What if that's my plan?" I yawned, rolling over to look st my soulmate. Everywhere our bare skin was touching, the contact sent tingles through my entire body. Something I have never experienced before.

He made a low growling sound before rolling me onto my back and hovering over me. "Well.. Then you'll enjoy it." He said lowly before lowering his lips to mine. We made out for what felt like hours, our tongues fighting for dominance. Then his lips moved to my neck and he started to suck harshly, a moan slipping from my lips as he formed a hickey. "Baby.." I whimpered. "Please don't tease me."
He chuckled deeply and leaned back, falling onto the bed beside me. "As much as I would love to continue, we have plans love."

I moved so that I was laying flat on top of him, his hands still gripping onto my hips tightly. "Plans to do what?" I asked softly while peppering kisses on his bare chest, my fingertips tracing his abs lightly.
Draco sighed contently, his hands sliding up my body. My shirt slid up my stomach as his hands moved up until he could run his fingers through my hair. "This is going to shatter the mood, but we are going to my parents house."
I was sitting upright almost immediately, my eyes widening enormously. "Are you insane? You're father hates me!"

"He killed my soulmate merely because of her parents blood."
"You hate mudbloods. You bully Granger almost all the time Dray-"
"I bully them because I cannot get close to another witch or wizard, just for my father to kill them {Y/N/N}." He breathed out, cupping my face in his hands. "Calm down, okay? I will not let him hurt you again. Ever."

"Pinky Promise?"

"Pinky Promise babygirl."


I held onto Draco's arm as if my life depended on it as we stood in his living room. I was actually trembling like a leaf. "{Y/N." Narcissa choked out, her eyes glued onto my smaller frame. Draco was partially blocking me. "Oh my merlin. Sweetheart, come here."

We collided in a hug, her arms engulfing me as she started to cry. "Oh baby, I am so so sorry!"
"Don't apologize Mum." I choked out, her face lighting up at my old nickname for her. She was my 2nd mother, and she always will be. No matter what. "It was never your fault. You tried to stop him, but we both know it would've happened regardless."
She choked on a sob and nodded her head before hugging me again. "I'm just so sorry.."
"Narcissa, dear, why are you crying?"

It was him.

The man I was dreading on seeing for the first time in 7 years. My killer.
Draco walked forward and grabbed onto my hand, pulling me behind him quickly. Narcissa turned her head just in time to see Lucius walking into the mansion. His eyes instantly locked onto mine, and his face paled.
"Hello father." Draco hissed, his stormy eyes narrowing. "See a ghost do you?"
"You're- I- But-"
"Yeah, you killed me." I whispered, stepping closer to Draco, who was oozing with anger.

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