{1} || The War pt.1

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**Edited 06/14/18**

I held out my wand, my hand shaking, as I stared down the certain death eater standing in front of me. Merlin, he looked god awful.
He had blood splatters on his clothing, his wand look cracked, and his eyes... my god.. they literally looked like soulless black pits that wanted to swallow me whole.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, but the stupid guy cast a shield so easily, my spell bouncing off of him and back towards me. I ducked down just in time, the spell hitting another death eater.
"Pathetic." He chuckles, taking a step closer to me. "You've got to be, what? 13 years old?"
"16." I corrected, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Ah. Draco's grade."

My heart clenches at his name, why does he still have that damn affect on me?! I have had a crush on stupid Draco Lucius Malfoy since second year. The only reason I haven't done a single thing about it? 1) Malfoy is a total jerk to me 24/7. 2) Harry Potter is my best friend, as is Hermione and Ron.
3) My family and his family literally hate each other.

So yeah.


"Awe, does the poor little girl have a crush on Draco Malfoy?" The death eater teases, stepping towards me. "How pathetically cute."

"Get the hell away from me." I seethe, pointing my wand at him again. I open my mouth to spell the prick, but I'm too late.
"Expelliarmus!" I watch in fear as my wand jumps from my hand and to the ground a few feet away from me. Shit.

The next thing I know, I'm on my back and this stupid death eater has ahold of my leg as he drags me out of the room we were in and down a hallway. "Let me go you filthy pig!" I screech, flailing my body around desperately. The guy grabs the back of my robes and forces me up to my feet, his dirty hand covering my mouth tightly. "Shut up you dirty little witch."
I scream as glass shards fly everywhere, a window of some sort breaking, the glass cuts into both of us. The man just groans in pain, but he continues to drag me.

My eyes squeeze shut as I lean forward and bite down on his thumb, my mouth clamping around the bone tightly. The death eater screeches and swears, but I don't let go until I heard a sickening pop. Take that you fucking dirty ass hoe.
"You bitch!" He yells, and then my cheek starts to hurt. SLAP!

Did he just slap me?

Oh my Merlin.

I can feel the tear prickling my eyes as I shake in this guy's arms. One of his hands curl around my throat, the other covers my mouth again. "Now shut up and behave like a good little witch."
Out of the corner of my eye, I see one of the students I knew fly backwards and hit a wall, a scream tearing itself from my lips.
"I said shut the hell up!"


My cheek heats up and pain blossoms through my face. Merlin, did this guy just slap me again?! I let out a growl and kick him in the shin, effectively making the guy drop me. I land on rocks that dig into my flesh but I couldn't care less, no, I stood up and bolted.

I ran and ran until I could hardly breathe, but it wasn't good enough. The same death eater appeared in front of me, his eyes holding a deathly glint. "Stupid witch." He snarls, before smacking me again. I sink to the ground after crying out, and this guy covers my mouth for the third damn time, and picks me up awkwardly.

By this point, I've given up, I'm tired and weak and hurt.

Suddenly, the guy freezes in his tracks. In front of us stands Draco Malfoy, his wand pointed at the death eater, as he says in a deathly calm voice like steel; "Let her go, or I will gut you here and now."

My eyes are watering as the guy begins to laugh. "Draco, quit playing around! I've got this stupid witch that's in your year, yes? Want to have some fun with the bitch?"
I instantly began to shake in his grasp, my body flailing around. I scream out as his hand flies and hits me cheek again, this time his black ring slicing through the skin. My face heats up, not from embarrassment, but because I am now bleeding from my face.
"Stop struggling or i'll hit you for the fourth time!"
I whimper out as I watch Draco tense up, his grey/blue eyes locked onto mine. "I warned you." He says with a straight face. Draco raises his wand and narrows his eyes at the death eater, who holds onto me tighter.

The death eater holding onto me cries out, dropping me in the process. His screaming and crying slowly fade out, and then I notice his disappearance. He fell off the castle.
I landed on my back when I fell, which of course made me lose my breath for a minute. Draco kneels down next to me, helping me to sit up as I'm gasping for air.

"Calm down, {Y/N}, if you keep freaking out you'll never breathe right." He murmurs, his fingers running through my hair. How the hell does he know how to calm me down in situations like this?!
Slowly, I regain my breath enough that I just sit there, staring at Draco with wide eyes. Curse you, pretty eyed boy.
"Why did you save me Malfoy?" I ask softly, my eyes narrowing accusingly.

"It's Draco, {Y/N}, and I saved you because I-... well... I just- you know." He stutters, his cheeks suddenly flushing pink.
"No Dray... I don't know."

"Ivehadacrushonyousincefirstyear." He rushes out, making me tilt my head in confusion.
"Draco, slow down, I don't understand-"

"I've had a crush on you since first year!" He suddenly shouts, hiding his face in his hands.

"You've.. what?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"Malfoy. I've always wanted you to freak out and not be so cocky but now is not the time." I chuckle, brushing my fingertips against his jawline. "Don't panic Draco, I've had a crush on you since second year."
Draco Malfoy just stares at me for the longest time, his eyes wide.


The next thing I know, his lips are on mine and our fingers are intertwined. Draco is holding me against his body like I'm going to fade away. Cute..
"I can't lose you, {Y/N}." He whispers after we've pulled apart.

"What makes you think you're going to lose me?" I ask softly, my thumb brushing against his bottom lip.

"My parents."

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There will be a part two coming when I've got time my dudes! Hope you enjoyed!

Lots of love my doods 💚


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