{18} || Vacation Pt.3

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I woke up to knocking, scratch that, pounding on our door. My eyes flicked towards the red clock, 5:47AM. What the hell do they want?
I sat up, rubbing my eyes as the knocking got even louder, making me hiss "Stop that!"
Draco was asleep, laying on his stomach, one arm curled around my waist.

I managed to slip out of his grasp, making my way to the door. The person ceased the knocking, which I was thankful for. Slowly, I opened the door a crack to reveal Narcissa, staring at me with wide eyes. "Did you calm him down?"
"Uh, What?" I asked softly, my voice showing signs of exhaustion.

"My son, he usually freak out this time of night." She explained, peaking around the door. I opened it enough to reveal the sleeping boy, snoring softly. The light from the hall splayed across the bed, just missing his face thank god.

"He's been fine." I whisper, turning around to look at him. "He freaked out when I took a shower so I just kinda let him cry, I held him. Then I had a nightmare, he comforted me, and we fell asleep." I left out the portion of us sleeping in the same bed, not wanting to bring attention or any argument because of that. He is sleeping, he's fine.

"Oh, okay." She whispered back, giving me a sad smile. "Thank you {Y/N}."

"No problem."

"I'll let you get back to sleep then, take care of him will you? You're one of the first people he hasn't shut out besides me." Narcissa looked at the floor, fidgeting with her fingers slightly. "Thank you, again."
And with that she darted back to her room, leaving me alone in the doorway.

With a small sigh, I looked back at Draco as I shut the door as soft as possible. He was no longer snoring, his face tilted towards me. It was at the moment, as I was closing the door, the light reflected off one of the mirrors, darting towards Draco's face. His grey eyes stared at me, he was awake. Oh Merlin.

"How long have you been up?" I asked softly, slowly making my way to my bed.

"Since my mother was pounding on the door." He whispered, patting the bed next to him. "Come back here you git."
"Yes father." I mocked with a giggle, slowly crawling back into bed next to him.
"Oh shut up." He grumbled, throwing an arm over my body, pulling me to his chest. "The reason I haven't had nightmares tonight is because I feel safe with you."

I simply nodded my head, my eyes drifting shut. "I think that's why I had a nightmare, I was afraid."

"Of what?"

"I... don't know." I murmured, burying my face into his chest, loving how warm he was at night. "I want to sleep, we have two hours."

"Alright, goodnight again {Y/N/N}."


This time, when I woke up, it was just to Draco shaking me lightly. I liked waking up like this, it was nice.
My eyes opened and revealed Draco, who was hovering over me. His face was mere inches from mine as he smiled down at me. "Good morning!"
What I wanted to say, was, who are you and what have you done with the real Draco Malfoy?
What I actually said, was; "Morning?"
"I'm gonna take a shower, you get dressed." He said quickly, rolling off of me and running into the bathroom like a psycho.
Uhm. Okay?
I got up, settling on some black shorts, a green tank top, and my converse.
After getting dressed, I slipped into the bathroom without saying anything and began to do my makeup, hair, and teeth.

I had just started to finish putting on my makeup, when the water turned off and the curtain opened, revealing a nude guy reaching for a towel. His eyes widened as I screeched, my hands whipping up to cover my eyes as I stumbled towards the door.
"{Y/N}! What the FUCK!?"

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