{20} || Vacation Pt.4

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As soon as he had put on his clothing, it was a race to the elevator. I had grabbed the key, my phone, purse, and then bolted for my life.
"Hey! You arse!" I heard Draco call after me, the door slamming shut. Footsteps chased after me as I body slammed into the button, the elevator opening. He neared closer and closer, and then the doors closed and I was brought down to the first floor.

I made a mistake. Oops.

In a panic, I bolted out of the elevator, just as I heard thudding on the staircase right around the corner. My heart was pounding as I weaved through people, my breathing rough and fast as I raced to our parents. Thank god every muggle was leaving..

"{Y/N}?" Narcissa asked before my own mother could. "Are you okay?"
"I'm going to die." I gasp out, running behind the table and ducking down just as Draco ran over, panting as well.
"Have... you seen her?"
I covered my mouth, desperate to calm my breathing and silence myself. Merlin..

"No." Narcissa chuckled at the same time my mother replied; "Yes."
No no no!
I nudged my mothers foot, irritated and hoping she would get the message to, I don't know, NOT GIVE ME AWAY.

"She's closer then you think."
I mentally face palmed, slapping my other hand over my mouth.

"She is.?"


It only took mere seconds for Draco to duck under the table, making me screech and try to escape. I got out from under the table and bolted to the elevator, my fingers centimeters from the precious button. Arms curled around my torso and I was lifted up into the air, Draco nuzzling into my neck. "That was mean."

"Yeah, well, I am a true Slytherin, Malfoy." I retaliated, rolling my eyes at his foolishness.

"Put my daughter down!"
Draco's whole body tensed up as he slowly turned to see my mother, hands on her hips, glaring at us. "Put. Her. Down. Now."


"Shut up! We already arranged a marriage for you. To Weston." She hissed, stepping towards me. "You will not be with this kid."
"Draco." Narcissa murmured. "You are arranged to marry Astoria."
"No." He said sternly, slowly setting me down and stepping in front of me, his body alert. "I don't even like Astoria."

"I don't love Weston." I mumble, lowering my head. "He doesn't even like me."

"Silence! You will marry him!"
Draco took a menacing step forward, growling at my mother, his fingers curling around his wand which was in his back pocket. I touched his shoulder, which luckily made him drop his hand away from the wand.
"She's not going to marry anyone besides me." He hissed. "She's mine."
As he spoke, I slowly reached forward and took his hand, trying to calm him down. My other hand gripping his arm.

Draco happily obliged in holding my hand, which only angered my mother even more

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Draco happily obliged in holding my hand, which only angered my mother even more. Why is she so upset? She practically brought us together!

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