{67} For Him

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Draco was walking down the stairs of the Malfoy Mansion when there was a thud followed by a groan. He rushed into the kitchen to find {Y/N} standing on the counter, rubbing her head as the light a foot infront of her swayed back and forth. "When did you get here?"

"Just now. I apparated." She groaned, dropping her hand to her sides. "Into the fucking light, unfortunately."

"That's what happens when you rush an apparation." The lanky Slytherin pointed out, his eyes settling onto her hands. They were tainted crimson. "Is that blood?"

The girl leapt off of the counter and cringed. "No?"

"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question!" He exclaimed, rushing forward. He grabbed onto her hands and dragged her to the sink where they washed the red evidence down the sink with soap. "You promised me you'd stop."

"And you promised me you'd quit helping the Dark Lord." She whispered, pulling her hands away from his own with a look of anger in her eyes. "But you didn't."

"It's not that simple, {Y/N/N}."

"Five years!" She suddenly shouted, slamming her hands down on the counter. "Five FUCKING years Draco! I've been going through this with you for five years and you still don't get it!"

"It's not that easy!"

"I know that! I've been walking with you every step of the way damnit!"
She grabbed onto a spatula and whipped it at him, smacking his chest harshly. "I'm stuck here trying to clean up your mess! Because every time you do an errand, someone sees you! And I have to dispose of them!" She threw the spatula across the room, and it hit the light she hit her head on with a loud crack before hitting the ground, shards of glass falling with it. "So the day you quit working for him, is the day I'll quit cleaning your mess up!"
Then she whirled around and ran up the stairs, leaving Draco alone with no one but his own enemy. Himself.

She's been with him for everything, and now she's cleaning up after him? What else has {Y/N} done for him? Merlin knows she'd give up her own life for him. But why?
Draco thought about it all, before realizing the truth.

{Y/N} would do anything for him because she loved him.

So he ran up the stairs and to her room, where she was sitting on her bed crying her eyes out. She perked up as soon as he entered the room and wiped her eyes hurriedly. "Get our of my room Malfoy-" But he silenced her by grabbing her face and smashing their lips together.
Hers molded against his perfectly, like she was made for him. Like they were made of each other.

When they finally pulled back, he cupped her cheeks gently and smiled. "I love you, babygirl."
She broke down all over again and placed her hands over his, her eyes squeezing shut for a moment.

When she finally reopened her {e/c} orbs, she let out a sob. "I can't lose you, Draco. I can't. I wouldn't be able to live. Please please stop working for him, it'll kill you. It'll kill us."

Draco made a shushing sound, pulling the smaller girl into his lap. He cradled her while she cried. Because deep down, he knew he couldn't get out of it. He had to kill Dumbledore. Then he could get out of it. But he also knew, that if {Y/N} knew this, it'd crush her.

"I'll get out of it." He whispered, kissing the crown of her head. "I promise you, baby. I'll get out of it." He lied to her face, because she needed it. Draco needed her to get back up and keep going, because without her, he'd fall too.

{Y/N} picked her head up and shook her head. "No you won't." Her eyes clouded over with even more tears and she kept shaking her head. "No you won't, Draco. Because you don't care about yourself. It's your biggest flaw."

And she was right. He didn't care.

She kissed his lips once more before getting off of his lap. "So I'll kill Dumbledore for you."

"What? No!" He shouted, leaping onto his own feet. "{Y/N} no. I won't let you."

"I know." She murmured. "Please forgive me. I love you." Then {Y/N} pulled out her wand and held it out to him. "Obliviate."

That day, Draco forgot all about with wizarding world. {Y/N} placed him in a family whom she could trust, and made him forget about her. That night, she was on the one to turn on Dumbledore. But he knew why. He even told her that she wasn't bad. She was only doing this to save Draco. That night, Harry screamed at her for turning away from the golden trio.

And she did it all for him. Because she'd give up her own life for him.

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