{69} You Are My Babygirl

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(I listened to the song Savage while writing this story, slide left)

I'm absolutely living for the fact that this is chapter 69 xD

Warning; ⚠️ This chapter contains mature content (aka smut)

Get ready for some kinky shit

I slammed the door to Draco's large house, my temper getting the best of me. The sound of my heels clicking against the hardwood floor was the only thing I could hear as I marched through the long corridor and towards the stairs. I had just gotten to the hallway that lead to my boyfriends door when it shot open. Draco had this panicked look on his face, like he knew I was pissed.

"Baby, Wait-"

"Don't you dare baby me." I hissed, shoving him back against his door, which hit the wall with a loud thud. "Am I the only one taking this relationship seriously?!"

"{Y/N}, hear me out-"

I slammed my fists against his chest angrily, my eyes suddenly blurring over with tears. "How could you do this to me?! You know how scared and self conscious I am about losing you! But you didn't care did you?!" Tears started to stream down my face, I was so angry. My hits against him begun to slow down and become lighter and lighter, until I rested my hands against his chest and ducked my head down. "Why..? Why did you have to tear my heart out like that..?"

Draco grabbed onto my wrists gingerly and leaned down, placing a soft kiss onto my lips, catching me completely off guard. Then he pulled back and cupped my face with his calloused hands. "Babygirl. I wasn't flirting with Astoria. I'm not cheating on you, Pansy told you that because she wants to be with me. She wanted to get you out of the picture. I love you and I only want you."
I didn't have any room to speak, because he leaned down and begun to place kisses all over my neck and collarbone. "You are mine."

A moan slipped from my lips as he begun to nibble and suck on my skin. His lips found their way back to mine, and right before he kissed me, his eyes hardened. "Don't ever doubt me again, babygirl."


I yelped into his mouth, not expecting him to slap my ass. "That was for yelling at me." Draco lifted me up so that my legs were wrapped around his torso.


He placed a kiss on my jaw as I bit my lip to keep from screeching. "That was for hitting me and pushing me backwards." He whispered into my ear.


He smacked my ass two more times before gingerly rubbing my behind. "And that was for doubting my love for you, babygirl."
"I'm sorry." I whimpered, burying my face into his neck.
"Sorry what, princess?"

"I'm sorry, daddy."

Draco carried me towards his bed and threw me onto the soft blankets before crawling ontop of me. "I forgive you, baby." He murmured, kissing me softly. "Just don't ever do that again. You know I love you."

"I promise I won't ever doubt you again." I whispered back, my hands traveling down to his belt buckle. "But, I was a bad girl, daddy."

"Mm, you were being a naughty girl weren't you?" Draco chuckled, running his hands up my sides, sliding my shirt up in the process. "Should daddy punish you?"

I nodded my head, biting my lip anxiously. My fingertips slipped into his jeans, curling around the hem of his boxers.

"What do you want me to do to you, baby?" He whispered seductively, his cool hands slipping under my shirt and up towards my chest. "Use your words, princess."

"I want you to fuck me."

After those words left my mouth, things heated up quickly from there. Draco took off my shirt in one fluent motion before unclasping my bra. His mouth attached to my left nipple, making my eyes close as a moan slipped my mouth. My head tilted back as my hands fumbled with his belt, successfully unbuckling it. Draco's lips left my breast only for him to take off his shirt and pants, before attaching back to the sensitive nub.

I moaned, my fingers pulling at the hair on his head feverishly. "Daddy, please don't tease me." I whimpered. "I want you inside me."
Draco let out a groan at my words, and I felt him harden against my thigh. "Anything for you, babydoll." He whispered.

His boxers were off in mere seconds, his hands gripping my hips tightly as he aligned his tip to my entrance. His slipped his fingers into his mouth for a moment before lowering his hand and pumping two fingers in and out of me. My head tilted backwards as I moaned. "Oh my god. Fuck, Draco-"
My words were cut off as he pulled his fingers out and thrusted his whole length into me, my body shuddering.

His name left my lips in moans as he leaned down and kissed my neck. "Scream my name, baby. I don't care if someone hears us, I want them to know that you are mine."

"Draco! Oh fuck- you feel so good inside of me!" I moaned out, wrapping my arms around his neck, my fingernails digging into his back. "Mm, Draco- harder!"

My name left my boyfriends mouth as he begun to thrust harder into me, shifting around ever so slightly so that he was hitting my g-spot perfectly with each thrust. A noise I've never made left my lips as he picked up the pace.  "Daddy, mm, fuck- right there!"
My moans became higher and higher in pitch the more he thrusted further into me. "I love you so much {Y/N}." Draco moaned out. "Mm, fuck- you're so tight!"
Draco positioned himself so that he could see his cock pulling out and thrusting into me fully. A moan fell from his lips as I clenched around him. "Do you like what you see daddy?" I breathed out. "Fuck- you feel so good! Thrusting in and out of me like that. I'm all yours daddy." He watched my breasts bounce with each thrust, and the way my head tilted back as he hit a certain spot. "You are so fucking gorgeous, princess." He moaned. "Merlin, you are all mine~"

Draco leaned down and attached his lips onto mine, silencing my moans in the slightest bit. "Fuck, Dray, I'm gonna cum." I murmured against his lips.

"Cum baby. Cum for daddy." He whispered into my ear. That was all I needed to hear for my release, my head tilting backwards as I hit my climax. Just as I finished, Draco pulled out and pumped himself quickly, before cumming all over my chest.

"I needed that, daddy." I whispered, looking up at my boyfriend. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."
"It's okay babygirl." He whispered. "You are mine. All mine."

"I'm all yours, Dray."

Shiiit that was so bad, I'm so sorry for the cringey writing. >_<

I need to work on my writing skills, but here is the chapter you've all been asking for!

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