{25} || Drunk and Confused

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•t h i r d p e r s o n P O V •

{Y/N} stumbled down the hall, her eyes dazed and random giggles leaving her lips. She had been in the fire whiskey. Again. God damnit
Her fingers curled around the cool metal of the doorknob to her room when suddenly strong arms scooped her up, making her yelp out in surprise.
She whipped her head around, desperate to see who her attacker was, and then they connected with those familiar grey/blue eyes. She scrunched her nose, squinted her eyes and sneered; "Malfoy?"

"{Y/N}." Draco said with a sigh, slowly opening the bedroom door and carrying her to the bed, once she was sprawled on it he changed her into shorts and a T-shirt, then proceeded to tuck her into bed snugly.
Draco then left the room silently, allowing her to doze on and off for about an hour.

When he passed the doorway again, she sat upright in bed and glared at him. "MALFOY!"
"{Y/N}? Yeah?" He stopped in the doorway, eyebrow raised and his head tilted in amusement.
Her gaze hardened at his expression and she jabbed a finger out, pointing it at him with a sneer. "Y-you... YOU what are yOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!"

Draco's smirk dropped and he sighed, leaning his head against the doorframe. "{Y/N}, you should go to bed." {Y/N} scanned his body up and down, her eyes brows knitted together in confusion, why was he not leaving?
After a couple minutes of silence, she shook her head wildly and looked back up into his stormy eyes. "Malfoy! How the H-HELL DID YOU?! SLYTHERIN! Get into my HOUSE?!"

Draco sighed again, hitting his head against the doorframe as he spoke. "{Y/N}, Babe, we've been married for the past 2 years."
Her cheeks flushed instantly and she shook her head wildly, What no?!
"Lies!" She gasped.

"Baby." He said with a softer tone, slowly making his way towards the girl. "Honey,"


"Babygirl." He whispered, placing a kiss on her lips as he slowly held her left hand and rose it in front of her face, and on her left finger was a ring with a green diamond in the center. On the band part of the ring was a silver snake coiled around the metal, leaving her in shock.
"I-I? What!"

He held up his own hand, revealing the black wedding band that had a green snake coiled around the metal, a small smile on his face. "Maybe don't drink that much next time, hm babe?"

"Uh.. Uhm.. yeah.." she stammered, her eyes wide as she now remembered the wedding and everything.

My god {Y/N}. Quit forgetting things like this!

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