{81} Daddy Issues

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{House- Slytherin}
First Person POV:
In this one you're his sister:


My fingers left the rail of the stairs and I padded quietly the the kitchen, trying my hardest not to make any noise. My brain was cluttered with thoughts, but I only focused on my thirst. I grabbed a glass goblet and filled it with water, raising it to my lips. I was just about to swallow the water in my mouth when a hand landed on my shoulder, making me spew the water out and jump forward.
My fathers grip on my shoulder tightened, and I stumbled to face him. His face was stern. "Where were you last night?" He rasped, his voice angry.

"Why does it matter-"
"I deserve to know where my daughter goes at night." He hissed. "Don't make me ask you again."
"I was out." I answered, narrowing my eyes at him. "That's all."
"That's not all. You're seeing that Weasley boy aren't you?" He snapped at me. "Don't be foolish, {Y/N}."
"I don't care what you think." I replied, trying to keep my voice steady.

My fathers hand came across my face just as fast as lightning striking through ground. I heard the slap before I felt the pain, and my hand reached up to cover my cheek. His ring had caught my lip, and I knew it was bleeding.
"Do not be fucking stupid." He repeated. "You are much better then those boys."
"I don't care what you think." I repeated back to him. "I don't care what you think. I don't care-"
He reached forward and grabbed my chin roughly, lowering his face to mine. "Shut. Your. Mouth." He hissed. "I forbid you to see them."

I narrowed my eyes at my father and sneered. "What makes you think you can stop me, huh?" And with that I tore backwards from him, dropping the glass I was holding. I began to apparate, and just before I fully left, I heard the glass shatter on the floor.

I landed with a loud thud on the wooden floor, and before I could regain my posture, arms were around me. A sob left my lips and I just sort of collapsed against Molly, who was saying something to Ron and Harry. Ron moved fast up the stairs, while Harry just stood there staring at me. Like he couldn't believe it. A Malfoy was in Molly Weasley's arms and she wasn't trying to get me to leave.

Instead, she helped me to the living room and sat me down on the couch, before sitting on the coffee table in front of me. Ron bolted into the room and handed his mum a cold cloth, to which she started to dab it against my bottom lip. "I'm so sorry dear." She whispered. "I'm so sorry, honey."

Harry continued to just stare until Ron smacked him across the head, not hard, but enough to snap him out of it. "Would you quit staring at her like she's got three heads and go wake Ginny!"

Harry nodded, paused, and then ran up the stairs.

Ron then came to where his mother was sitting and grimaced at me. "He hit her again, didn't he?"
"Yes." Molly replied. "He got her good. Please try to get her attention."

Ron nodded and looked at me, waving his hand slightly so that I would focus on him. "Look at me,
{Y/N}. Focus on me. What happened?"

"I..I was getting water." I croaked. "I was just thirsty."

"What happened after?"

"My father. He...He came downstairs after me and asked me where I was last night. I didn't.. answer. I just said I was out." I whispered.

"{Y/N/N}!" A voice shouted, and then thin arms were around my neck. Ginny was hugging me from behind the couch. "I'm so sorry-"

"Please, guys, don't apologize. It doesn't fix it." I mumbled. "It doesn't make it stop. It just reminds me how bad my life is."

There was a loud thud, and my boys walked into the room, rather quickly, but not to startle me. Fred took the cloth from his mum and started to clean my lip, whilst George talked to his mom, trying to get filled in.

Afterwards, he came in and sat next to me, pulling me into his arms. Fred sat to the other side of me and stroked my hair.

"I don't understand." I heard Harry say from the other room.
"What don't you get?" Ron asked.
"Why would you care about her-"

"Do not ever ask me that." His tone changed, his voice raising in anger. "She belongs here just as much as you do. Mum cares about you. Ginny cares about you. Well guess what, Harry, they care about that girl in there too."

"She's a Malfoy!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Ginny piped up. "Yes. She's a Malfoy. Yes. She's a Slytherin. So fucking what?!"

"I just don't-"

"Well you ought to get used to it, hon." Molly cut in. "Because I've decided she's not going back there. She's staying here, now. End of discussion."

"You guys-" I started to say, but my vision blurred, and the next thing I knew, I was out.


My eyes fluttered open to see a pair of blue eyes staring directly into mine. I sat up in and instant and yelped, and Harry fell right onto his ass. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I-woah-I didn't think you would wake up right then!" He shouted in defense.

"That doesn't mean you get the right to stare at me creepily!"

"You have a...! You have a bruise." His voice quieted after the first part. "It's along your cheekbone and near your eye socket."

"That's from daddy dearest." I muttered, swinging my legs from off of the bed. I stood up and stripped off my shirt, turning around to look for one of the twins'. Harry flinched for a second, not wanting to see me, but stared at me again.
"Mal-uh.. {Y/N}-"

"I know you don't care for me, Harry. Call me whatever you want."

"{Y/N}. You have-"

"I know. You don't need to point every single fucking bruise, scratch, or scar you see Potter. Now shut the hell up. You're getting on my nerves." I hissed. "They don't miraculously disappear within 24 hours you know."

I grabbed a blue shirt and smelled it, Freddie's scent, and pulled it on. "How long have I been out?"

"Uh.. a couple days I think-"

"You think?" I mused.

"I don't know!" He countered.

"I'm just saying. You're Harry Fucking Potter. You should remember how many days it's been since I passed out downstairs." I said after. I looked back up to see him glaring at me. "No need to get pissy with me, Scarface."

"Don't call me that."

"Does it offend you?"

"No. I mean yes. Look, it doesn't matter I just don't like it." He stumbled over his words, scrunching his eyebrows together irritably.

"Well I don't like your face. Get out so I can change my pants." I chuckled.

"I just saw you without a shirt-" He said but I cut him off.



"I said get out."

"Right, sorry." He mumbled, and with that he was out of the room.
I think we could be friends. He's just so fucking dumb sometimes.
I shook my head, laughing to myself, and changed my pants into a pair of boxers. I don't know whose.
I opened the door and inhaled the scent of some sort of pie, my mouth watering.

It's good to be back.


I'll make a part two loves, I just needed to post something and I'm loving this story so far <3


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