{12} || Memories

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She stared up at me with tear filled eyes, my wand pointed straight at her. "I'm so sorry.. But I have to do this.. I have to, or I have to kill you."
She never said a word, she just closed her eyes as a few tears travelled down her flushed cheeks, her head nodding. She knew.

I reached forward, my thumb gingerly brushing against her bottom lip. This one movement made her whole body erupt with shivers. The effect I had on her was huge.
I leaned forward and placed my lips against hers lightly, just a small kiss, but she had other ideas. Her eyes were still closed as she reached forward, her fingers tangling in my blonde hair as she tugged me closer to her desperately. Our lips mashed together perfectly. I'm going to miss her.
When I pulled away, her eyes reopened and she stared up at me with those large, {E/C}, orbs.
She didn't need to say anything, I could read it on her face. I love you.


And with that her eyes fluttered shut and I apparated away, leaving her in peace and safety.


Your POV

I sat there in my desk, it was the last hour of the day, English. I'm good at it, don't get me wrong, but there is something missing in my life. Something large.

"Miss {L/N}. Please go get a laptop and start typing." My teacher snapped, to which I instantly stood up and grabbed the device.
I had only been working on my paper for three minutes when my mind drifted away. A year ago my parents found me on their doorstep, so utterly confused. I remembered them, I remembered a few important things like my name and my age and everything. I didn't remember what I had been doing for the past five years of my life, and neither did they. No one did, all we knew was I just came back.

My mom opened the door to find my eyes wide, my finger touching my bottom lip. She thought I was bleeding at first because my lips were so swollen, but no. Nothing was wrong.

The door to our classroom opened, hitting the wall, which brought me out of my trance. I quickly leaned down and began to type away again, earbuds in tightly, my phone playing a few clips over and over again. There's a number in my phone who I don't know who it belongs to, but every month they send me a video. Sometimes an edit with music playing in the background, of three friends and one boy, who no one seemed to get along with. I even knew their names.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the three friends. I only got clips of them for the first few months until I got a clip of Hermione punching a platinum haired boy in the face. His name is Draco, I believe.
I wish I could actually get to know them, but my mother just plainly said it was from a movie we had watched ages ago.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw a tall figure talking to my teacher in a hushed voice. It's his voice that caught my attention. I only heard him say one word, "Hello.", and he instantly had 100% of my attention.

I only got to see the back of his head, platinum blonde hair. Oh my god. No no. Stop overreacting you idiot! I mentally yelled at myself. It isn't him. Stop.

Boy was I wrong.

He turned around and the first thing I saw were those blue/grey eyes, staring right at me. My breath got stuck in my throat and I quickly lowered my gaze, redirecting it back to my laptop. The guy turned back to my teacher and pointed in my direction, making her look right at me.

Oh my god. Stop. No.

'Obliviate.' That single word rang out through my head suddenly, and I dropped my phone. It dropped to the ground, making a loud thudding sound. Everyone turned to look at me, I was staring at the ground with my lips parted.
"{Y/N}." The mystery guy said in alarm. He actually sounded like he cared.

My head snapped up to see him facing me, my teacher watching me with an alarmed expression. He only took one step forward, and my body screamed at me to stand up. So I did.
My brain screamed at me to run to him. My heart was beating so fast I was afraid it'd leap out of my chest.
I loved him.
The guy took another step forward and I bolted, launching myself at him. My legs wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck as our lips collided.

At that one precious moment, everything came crashing back at once. All of my memories.
When we pulled back I was crying my eyes out. "Draco." I whispered hoarsely. "You came back for me."

"I promised you." He murmured as he set me down on the ground. "Let me look at you."
I took a step back, my eyes casting to the ground as I slowly rotated myself.
"You're so beautiful baby." He said with a smile, before wrapping his arms back around me and kissing me again.

"I love you." I whispered, leaning my head against his. "Promise me you'll never do that to me again."

"Never. I promise."

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