Ending Of Sorts

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After a few months of debating and thinking, followed by more debating- I have decided to mark this book as Complete.

Now what does that mean?

No worries my lil moonbeams, this is not the end of me writing oneshots/imagines for you all. It simply means, I'm moving on from this book.

I have many reasons for doing this; one being that this book is literally almost 100 chapters of Draco Malfoy.
Another good reason is the fact that, I started this book when I was roughly 15-16 years old.

This September, I turn 20.

That being said, I believe that this book needs to be wrapped up and tied together.

Writing has brought me so much joy and happiness even in my saddest days. And I'll even admit, the Harry Potter Universe was a big player in that.

Thank you all for reading my book and showing me love and support, and laughing at my mistakes while I laugh too because let's be honest- I wasn't the greatest when I first started. There are almost 1M Reads. Can you believe that? I'm so surprised even 5 if you kept reading.

But a thousand+ of you?

It's like a dream. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

Now, enough of that tangent.

What does this mean for you?

Well, you can toss this book into your completed reads, or whatever you do, and go on your merry way.

But if you want more, I have a happy surprise.

I will be making a second book! As I'm typing this out, I have the cover sorted out and I know what my first imagine is going to be.

As you are reading this, my book is out and ready for you.

Please note that I am starting this book August 31st, 2022.

For those of you who are reading this minutes/hours after me posting it, only one chappie will be posted.

This new book will be mainly Draco, as he holds my heart, but I will also attempt to include the following characters.

- Mattheo Riddle
- Blaise Zabini
- Fred & George Weasley
- Ginny Weasley & other girls (this is potential, I haven't decided on that yet.)

So if you're interested, feel free to check it out!

I love you all. Thank you for making my dreams come true. <3


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