{56} Insanity

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I apologize now, this story is going to take a different path then most of my other stories and may be a tad bit disturbing in some ways, you may continue or click out.

You've been warned.

Also. There is some heated content.

Your POV

My stomach flipped.
My head spun.
I wanted to throw up.
I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry.
Yet this twisted smile sat on my face like a broken record; as if it were etched into my skin.

"Draco." My voice was hollow, yet it sounded psychotic at the same time, that dangerous smile playing on my lips as the blonde haired boy made his way to me. "I have blood on my hands."

"What have you done?" He asked softly, taking my hands into his larger, more rough ones. "What have you gotten yourself into?"

"She's dead."

And that's all I said, a loud laugh slipping from my lips.
Draco's face immediately paled, and he cupped my face in the palms of his hands and lowered his face to mine. "Who? Who did you kill {Y/N}?"
I just giggled maniacally, my head tilting slightly as my whole body shook with each inhale.
Draco closed his eyes, clearly running out of patience with me, he reopened his eyes and got even closer to me. So close, that our lips were millimeters apart.

"Tell daddy who you killed."

He spoke in such a way, it held dominance, yet it was soft and gentle. He used the one, single, keyword that promised him a truthful answer. Daddy.

His thumb brushed against my bottom lip, and I stopped laughing, the smile broadening on my lips as I leaned forward towards him, and when my lips skimmed his, I spoke.

And then my lips were in his, Dracos hands slipping from my face as I pressed myself against him, my bloody hands touching his neck, his hairline, and I pulled lightly. A moan slipped from his mouth, his body vibrating ever so slightly as he grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap.

Aha. Got em.

Draco's free hand tangled in my hair, his stormy eyes fluttering close as he used the other to squeeze my hips, hard enough that I wiggled just slightly.

Another moan slipped his lips.

"You're playing dirty." I whispered, my lips brushing against his jawline. "Why aren't you scared of me?"

"Because I'm insane, Angel." His voice sounded different. More like mine. "Because you changed me."
"You're insane." I murmured, my eyes scanning his face.

"And you're psychotic." He whispered back, before his lips landed on mine again.

He's insane.
I'm psychotic.
And all of that, makes twisted sense.


I woke up the next morning, in Draco's very large bed, and with a head rush.

The girls blood was gone from my hands, and on the nightstand laid the single washcloth, tainted red, and damp.

He washed my hands.

"Angel? Are you awake?" Draco asked, his footsteps leading into his room where I sat up and looked at him with my signature psycho grin.
"I want to be with you forever." The words left my lips without a second thought.

"For eternity."



My eyes fluttered shut as he leaned down and pecked my lips, and then this metallic smell hit my nose. My eyes drifted to Draco's hands, dangling at his sides, and they were tainted crimson.

"What did you do?" I whispered, the smile on my face broadening, and he leaned over and turned on the TV.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy and {Y/N}
{M/N} {L/N} are wanted for murder. The couple went on a rampage, in which the female with {H/C} and
{E/C} murdered young Astoria Greengrass, who was believed to be her best friend.  The male went out later that day and is wanted for murdering Seamus Finnagin, if the two are found please call the police."

And then he shut it off again.

"You killed Seamus?" I asked quietly, my fingers twitching.
"He liked you." He replied. "You killed Astoria."
"She liked you." Came my reply.

Draco grinned, and he leaned down and scooped me up into his arms. "We need to leave this place."

"Our home?"

"They will know we are here, Angel."

Just as he said that, there was pounding on our door. My fingers found my wand, and my breathing hitched.

"It's the police! Let us in or we will break down this door!"
Draco looked at me, his wand in his hand. "Kill." He whispered. "Or be killed."

"This world will eat you up." I whispered back.

What have I done to him, you ask?
I made him stronger.

I made him insane.


Draco grabbed onto my hand.


My heart skipped a beat.


I looked at Draco and smiled, and it wasn't a psychotic one.

"Knock it down!"


(Part two?)

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