{53} Odd Ends pt. 3

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**sorry, I had writers block*

**sorry, I had writers block*

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Oh dear GOD


House- Hufflepuff

t h i r d   p e r s o n   P O V

{Y/N} have a small groan while plopping herself down into her desk, her head hitting the wood with a loud thud. Just her luck, that did not go unnoticed by one boy in particular.
"Rough day?"

"Rough week." She mumbled through the hard surface.
"Do tell." The Slytherin said quickly, scooting his chair closer to the Hufflepuff. "I am interested."
"Of course you are, Draco." She mumbled.

"Chin up, Puff."
The girl slowly picked her head up, glaring at him the entire time she did so. "Better?" She asked bitterly.
"Much, thank you."

"Oh shove it Malfoy."
"What's wrong Puff?" Draco asked, cutting the girl off mid sentence. "This isn't my little fluff ball I know and love."

"People are so freaking nosy." She grumbled, her eyes flickering between the blue eyed boy and the board. "It infuriates me."

"If someone gets nosy.." Draco said slowly, processing his own words as he spoke. "Just.. you know... shoot 'em."

Her eyes snapped to him and she shook her head quickly in an attempt to process what Draco had just said. "Excuse me.. what? Shoot 'em?"
Draco's usual boring expression lifted up into a smile, and he nodded his head vigorously. "Yes! Politely of course!"

The teacher shushed them, but he kept right on going. "That's exactly what you do Puff!"
"Okay.." {Y/N} said slowly. "Dray.. I love you.. but what the fuck."

"Rule #2!"

"Shush." She said quickly. "How the hell do you shoot someone politely?"
"Well." Draco started. "You know.. you point the gun at them.. apologize, and then gently pull the trigger!"

She blinked once. Twice. Three times, and then she picked her stuff up and walked right out of class.
Draco didn't understand, that made sense didn't it? Just.. shoot them politely..

"Hey Malfoy!" Seamus called out. "Why'd your girlfriend walk out?"
"Shove it, Finnagan." Came the Slytherins snotty reply.

Shut up. It made sense.


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