{17} || Vacation Pt. 2

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"{Y/N}." A voice whispered into my ear, an arm wrapped around my shoulders as I leaned against this soft fricking pillow. "Get up."
"No." I grumbled, burying my face into the pillow, then my pillow moved.

Pillows don't move, if you didn't know.

My eyes snapped open and I backed against the window, to see Malfoy looking at me with a confused expression, his arm was across my shoulders and his chest was my pillow oh my lord.
"We are here, {Y/N}."

"Got it." I squeaked out, grabbing my phone and slowly standing up. Draco led me off the plane, seeing as our parents had already gotten off and left us asleep on the plane.
Thanks mom. Thanks.

After we got off the plane, my mom yanked me over to show a picture on her phone. It was of Draco and I, asleep, my head on his chest, his head leaning against my head, his arm stretched across my shoulders. My cheeks flushed red as I shoved her phone away, giving her my famous Slytherin Glare.
"Gee, thanks mom." I hissed.
She gave me a pointed look before turning around anD SHOWING DRACO. Merlin! What the hell mother!

His cheeks seemed to flush as well, his head nodding slowly as he whispered something to her.
Kill me now. Please. I'll thank you for it.

"Our hotel is about an hour away, so we rented a car!" Narcissa said with a smile, grabbing her sons arm and leading him towards a black car, that had only four seats. Please let him sit in shotgun. "Draco, your mom and I sit in the front, you and my daughter have that back."

I'm crying now. Goodbye sweet world.

We got into the car and my mother began to drive towards our hotel as I leaned my head against the window, watching the surroundings whip past us. A hand settled on my thigh, making me of course tense immediately and swat at the hand. Draco refused to look at me, his hand gripping my thigh tighter, causing me the yelp. What? I'm ticklish!

"What happened, {Y/N}?" My mother asked, her voice dripping with irritation. My eyes flickered back to the window with a sigh.


The ride was silent the rest of the time until we got to the hotel, grabbing our bags and getting the keycards to our room. "Narcissa and I will being sharing a room across from the two of you."


"Alright." Draco cut me off, grabbing my wrist and leading me to the elevator. Oh my god. He looked so clueless. I cleared my throat and pressed floor three, the doors closing and the elevator jolting upwards.
Malfoy let out a small yelp of surprise, his body crashing into mine as he actually buried himself into me.

What. The. Frick.

"Malfoy, it's fine, this is our floor." I whispered, gingerly interlocking our fingers together and leading him down the long corridor to one of the rooms, entering the card. It beeped, a green light flashing signaling that I could open the door, so I did.

"How do you know what to do?"

"I know how muggle tech works, Malfoy."

"Ah. Ok."

To my surprise, there were two beds. Thank god. Two queen beds, so I set my stuff down on the one closest to the door. "I'm going to take a shower, it's 7pm." I murmured, grabbing some clothing and making my way to the bathroom.

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