{70} Against Their Will

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House- Any, But probably Slytherin.

{Your POV}

A few days after Dumbledore had died, The Dark Lord conjured a meeting for all of the death eaters. {Y/N} {L/N} and Draco Malfoy attended.


I was shaking, my fingers laced with Dray's under the table. My eyes were glued onto my wand, which sat on the table in front of me. Voldemort spoke with the older death eaters, talking about future plans and such.
Draco then squeezed my hand, causing my eyes to dart up. Our Muggle Studies teacher was floating, stomach up, in the air. She was bloody and beaten, it hurt just to look at her.
"Severus.. please.. we're friends." She rasped, making my heart clench. Then there was a burst of light and she landed on the table with a thud.
Tears immediately flooded my eyes and I tore my attention away, my eyes finding Draco's stormy orbs. They were filled to the brim with tears.
He shook his head, signaling for me to be quiet, so I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked down at my lap, a traitor tear rolling down my face.

"Miss {L/N}."

My head snapped up for the second time when Voldemort said my name. "Yes sire?" I said immediately, bowing my head slightly.
"I'm pairing you with Draco." He said slowly. "I want you to go to Hogwarts. Keep an eye out for Potter."

"Of course." I bowed my head again, and then we were dismissed.

I stood up and headed for the stairs, but when I got around the corner, no longer in sight, Draco grabbed my wrist and we apparated.

Draco and I landed on his bed where I proceeded to lose my cool. I bursted into tears as he held me against his chest, his fingers running through my hair softly. I knew he was crying too, because every time he inhaled, he shuddered. My fingertips ran up and down the back of his neck, kissing the side of his face for a moment. "Draco, I can't do this. I can't-"

"You can. I need you to." He whispered shakily, desperation in his voice. "Please. I can't do this without you."
"I can't!" My voice cracked as I shouted at him, tears now rolling down my cheeks quickly. "I can't do it! I-I.."
In a rush, I grabbed my wand and pointed it at myself. "Avada-"
"No!" Draco cried out and smacked the wand out of my hand and pinned me onto the bed as I screamed and writhed around underneath him.
I was choking on sobs at this point, my whole body trembling as Draco cuddled into me, whispering things into my ear to calm me down.
"Draco... please don't let me do this.." I croaked. "He's my friend-"

"I love you."

I fell quiet instantly, my eyes growing wide as I stared up at him. "you.. what..?"

"I love you, {Y/N}."

We just stared at each other for a moment before I snapped up, my hands landing in either sides of his face as I kissed him. His hands gripped my hips and he pulled me against him, humming against my mouth. "I love you, so much. I refuse to lose you."

I pulled back and leaned my forehead against his. "I love you too." I replied. "More than anything."

"Even Potter?"

"Even Potter." I whispered, leaning back to look at his blue eyes. "So much more. He's nothing but a friend. You're my world."

We stayed like that for a few hours, just talking quietly to each other. We decided we would decide on what to do together. After that, he pulled me tightly against his chest and we fell asleep.

I didn't end up leaving the death eaters that night. I did as the Dark Lord asked. If only I knew of the consequences. After all, you would do anything for someone you love, right?

(part two? sorry this is short loves i'm just tryna post something)

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