{74} You Knew It Was Me

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House- Gryffindor

"Why didn't you tell her? Bellatrix. You knew it was me. Yet, you didn't say anything."
"It was her." Draco confessed. "I didn't want to hurt her. So I tried to save you four."
Harry seemed to be confused for a moment, before her face popped into his head. Of course. How had he not seen it before? {Y/N/N}. Why didn't she tell him? Why did she hide her feelings from Harry?
"Bellatrix asked me to identify you. I was about to, you know, say that it was in fact you. But when I looked at her face, her eyes, the look of fear on her face. I knew I couldn't. So I lied."

"She still figured out! And then she proceeded to torture both Hermione and {Y/N}!" Harry bursted out yelling, his face contorting with anger.
"Don't you think I know that!" Draco yelled back, his knuckles turning white as he squeezed his hands into fists. "I heard her screams! I heard her sobbing for my aunt to stop! I wanted so desperately to charge in and apparate away with her!" His face fell, and he shook his head. "But I didn't. I couldn't. Instead, I listened to her pleads and cried for my aunt to stop. Then I had to listen to Hermione. Both of their screams are etched into the back of my brain!"
Harry's anger died down the slightest bit the more he listened to Draco.
"When I walked back into that room because that stupid house elf was trying to help you guys escape, I only saw her. She was on the floor, her head angled towards me. When her eyes met mine, I felt my eyes water. Her nose was bleeding and her sleeve was rolled up to reveal the words; 'Blood Traitor' and 'Half Blood'. I watched Ron help Hermione up onto her feet and towards the group, but my aunt got to {Y/N} first. She held a knife to her throat, and when
{Y/N/N} cried out for you guys to stop, my heart dropped."

Draco was nearly crying now, his face twisted with emotion.

"I saw Dobby up on that chandelier before any of you did, but I refused to say anything. I knew that if he succeeded, there was a chance that she would get out okay. That she would get out alive. And so I let it happen."

Harry took a step back, her face popping into his head again. {Y/N}.

"That's why I didn't say anything."


After Voldemort has sent his message, telling Harry to meet him in the forest, Harry set out to find his friends. Ron and Hermione were holding hands, but {Y/N} was no where to be found.
After Harry went to the woods and died. Voldemort had asked if anyone wanted to join his army. People watched in horror as Draco stepped forward with a girl. She was clinging to his arm, her eyes glued to the ground as she cried silently. "Ah Draco, who is this?"
"My name is {Y/N}." She said.
Draco was pulled into a hug, but she stepped backwards and nodded towards Neville, who walked forward and gave his speech.

When Harry rolled out of Hagrids arms, {Y/N} dove forward and tossed him his wand before looking towards Draco. The blonde haired wizard looked at his parents before diving towards her, their bodies twisting as he apparated the both of them away.

Now Harry understood. Yes, Draco knew it was him in the mansion. He didn't say anything because of her. Because in the end, he would do anything for her, because they were in love with each other.

Yee i do know that this is short but I was watching harry potter edits and was inspired to write this small story lol. I love you all!


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