{2} || The War pt.2

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[Edited 06/14/18]

I slowly draw my hand back, my eyes wide as saucers as I stare up at him. He cannot be serious? I mean.. I understand our family situation but is he just fucking with my feelings? I can't go through that.
"I forgot." I whisper, ducking my head down. "Our families."
Draco's face contorts, but I cannot catch the particular emotion. He looks... upset?

"I'm sorry." He whispers, his arms moving around me as he lifts me up. My legs instantly curl around his waist, my head buried in his neck. He carries me to a room to be fixed up, the main part of the war is done.
"Mr. Malfoy?" I heard someone say. "Who's that?"
"{Y/N} {L/N}." He murmurs, his fingers stroking my hair. "She's hurt."

"{Y/N}?!" I heard a familiar voice say, and I lift my head up to see Hermione sprinting to me. Ron stands near his dead brother, shaking and crying. "Oh my god! Draco you monster put her down!"
I can feel his body tense up, but instead of letting me go, his arms just tighten around me. "No."

"What do you mean, no, you arrogant asshole?!"
"I love her!" His voice bounces off the walls and into my ears, and I hear Hermione gasp.
"You love her..?"
"I do." He whispers, nuzzling his face into my shoulder. "So fucking much."

"{Y/N}?" She questions, and I limply pick up my head, my eyes drooping. "Are you okay? Do you trust him?"

"He saved my life, Hermione." I whisper, looking down at Draco. "The death eater kept slapping me and shit, and all of a sudden there's Draco standing there, his wand pointed at my captor. He saved my life."

"Awe.." Her voice wavers, her eyes hold distrust but she won't fight it. She's accepting it.
I nod slowly, before lowering my head and nuzzling myself back into Draco's warmth.

Madam Pomphrey had Draco put me on one of the tables in the great hall while she attended to my face, my chest, and my legs and arms. I had twisted an ankle, my cheek was cut, and I had a few fractured ribs.
She told Draco he may want to hold onto me in some way, so I don't injure myself even more, so he picked me up bridal style.

The whole school stood out in the courtyard, and my eyes widened when I saw Voldemort and his posse, Hagrid was holding onto someone. "Who's that? Who does Hagrid have?" I heard Ginny ask suddenly, and my eyes widened.
"Harry." I choked out, feeling Draco's arms curling tighter around me. He was scared, but of what?

"Harry Potter is dead!" And just like that my whole world crumbled around me, I bursted into tears, my body trembling in Draco's arms. He refused to let me go. Ginny screamed out, which of course made Voldemort mad as hell.

"Does anyone want to join us?" He asked hauntingly, and everything was okay until I saw Draco's parents come forward. He looked down at me, my tear stained face. I shook my head wildly, my fingers cupping his face into my hands. "No Draco." I whispered.

"Draco." His mom called out.
"Draco come." His father said sternly. Everyone was looking at him, Voldemort saw that I was in his arms, tears flowing down my face like a waterfall.

"Draco no."

"Who's the girl in your arms, boy?" Voldemort himself called out, making my heart stop.
"My girlfriend." He said loudly, his grip tightening.

His parents looked shocked, his father even stumbled a bit. "You're dating a {L/N}?!"

Draco flinched, his head lowering as he looked at me, his grip loosening. "Draco, no. Stop." I said softly, reaching my hand out to touch his face.
"Do not touch him!" Lucius hissed, making me tense up. I did anyways, or course.
I cried out as Draco suddenly let me go, my feet hitting the cement suddenly. "No!"

He began to make his way across the courtyard, his eyes trained on the ground. "Draco stop!" I shrieked, my hands on my ribs. "Draco!"

"Ah, Draco." Voldemort said evilly, hugging my boyfriend. "You made the right choice."

I stepped forward again, until I heard the words I'd hope to never here. "Avada Kedavra!"

I screamed out in pain as this green light shot towards me, hitting me square in the chest. I heard multiple people scream my name, and then I heard laughing as I hit the ground with a sickening thud. "{Y/N}!" I heard one voice in particular call out. Draco Malfoy.

My eyes fluttered shut, and the last thing I felt were arms lifting me up from the ground, and someone yelling Harry's name.


I woke up to Neville shaking me, his eyes wide and blood running down his head. "{Y/N/N}." {Nickname} He whispered, his voice cracking. "Get up! Please.."

My eyes snapped open as I looked him dead in the eyes, and I saw relief flicker in his eyes. "Thank Merlin." He whispered, hugging me tightly. "I picked you up, trying to carry you somewhere safe but I was shot at. I thought you were dead."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Longbottom." I croaked, slowly sitting up. My stomach hurt a thousand times worse and my head was also bleeding, as was my lip, but I had no time to freak out. Harry is alive.
I got up onto my feet and sprinted away. "Accio wand!"
My wand shot into my hand as I pointed it at a death eater. "Stupefy!"
He fell backwards with a sickening crunch, his head hitting a sharp rock which impaled the skin.

"Get the snake!" I heard Neville yell, taking on three death eaters. "Go! Save Harry!"

I sprinted away, finding Hermione and Ron crouched in front of the stupid snake. "Stupefy!" I shouted, just as the snake slid to the side, my spell missing. It hissed at me, it's golden eyes narrowing.

"{Y/N} {L/N}!" Hermione screeched, But I waved her off.

I turned around and ran down the stairs, pointing my wand at the snake. "Stupefy! Stupefy! Crucio!" I was desperate at this point. "Sectusempra!"

Each spell missed as I fell backwards, a terrified scream leaving my lips. The next thing I knew, arms curled around me and my face was shoved into someone's chest. Draco held me right as the snake shot itself forward, and then it's head was cut off. Neville has chopped it's head off with a cool sword, but I was too busy shaking in Draco's arms to notice.

Tears flowed down my face as I buried myself into him, and I could feel him trembling. "Draco." I whispered, my voice cracking. "Draco!"
"I'm here." He whispered, kissing my forehead. "I'm never leaving again."

He held me for the longest time, Neville sitting with us as we spoke about our time at Hogwarts. The war. Voldemort's death.

Everything. More importantly, how I survived the killing curse? Apparently, just as Voldemort shouted the spell, Draco grabbed his own wand and cast a shield, blocking half of the curse. The other half hit me, and Draco had shoved Voldemort away, shouted a spell at him, and ran to try and find me. Neville had picked me up and tried to carry me to safety, but someone shot him down. Draco couldn't find me.


My body froze as the Dark Lord himself hugged me, accepting me. My mind kept wandering towards {Y/N}, so I turned to look at her, just as Voldemort screamed the killing curse at her. "Protego!" I cried out, blocking half the spell, but not enough because she shot backwards, hitting the ground with a thud. I yelled her name, my hands shoving Voldemort back.

"Draco!" I heard my parents scream, but I couldn't care less.
"{Y/N/N}! {Y/N}, please!"

I couldn't find her anywhere, not until I saw her shooting spells at Nagini, his snake. "Sectusempra!" She screamed out, before hitting the ground with another thud. I raced to her, enveloping her in my arms.

We will die together, I can't live without her.
She shook in my arms, the hissing snake nearing us, until I heard a slice. Nagini was dead, we were okay.

"Draco." She sobbed out, her hands curling around my shirt. "Draco!"
"I'm here {Y/N}." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "I'm not leaving you ever again."

Everything was okay after that.

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