{59} Home.

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House- Any

Third Person

Draco stood next to her, his arm hung around her waist loosely while he stared at you.

"How could you?" The {h/c} girl shouted, the sketch she had just drawn lay crumpled on the ground at her feet. Both of them, sketched in ink. "You aren't serious!"

"I'm sorry {Y/N}." Draco said softly, pulling her closer to him. "But its always been her."

{Y/N} stepped closer to the pair, her {e/c} eyes filled to the brim with tears. She held out her arm and shook it wildly, her voice both rising, and cracking at the same time. "You don't understand, Dray! God!"

"You're right." He shifted uncomfortably. "I don't understand, love, and I probably never will."

"I'll explain it for you right now." She hissed her wand now numb in her hand. She slowly extended her hand and pointed it at the crumpled sketch, lifting it up into the air wordlessly as she unwound the ball, a traitor tear rolling down her face. "Do you see this, Draco?"

It was something she had drawn in pen, a drawing of the two of them sprawled on the couch, watching Netflix, tangled with each other.

"This was the other night." Her voice softened, the tears now trickling down her face. "I remember it perfectly. The movie was playing in the background, but my attention was on you. Draco, your attention was on me."

She inhaled sharply at the memory, the heat from his body, his heartbeat. The absolute bliss she felt.

"I remember my eyes begun to close, my head rested against your chest comfortably. I remember feeling your lips against my forehead, then my cheek. I remember opening my eyes to see you staring sheepishly into my own. Draco, you reached down and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, then you placed your hand on the side of my cheek."

The platinum haired boy now too, had tears welded in his eyes. His head hung ever so slightly in shame, his eyes fluttering shut as he relived the memory. Astoria, the girl in his arms, whispered something at how pathetic {Y/N} was, but he didn't say anything. His hand involuntarily reached up and brushed his bottom lip ever so slightly while she continued to speak.

"You pulled me in closely and kissed me, so slowly, like it was the last time you were ever going to kiss me, leaving your hand cupped against my face, stroking your thumb against my face ever so lightly. Draco Malfoy. That feeling of being in your arms, laying with you? It's home. I'm home with you." The girl stopped talking for a moment, allowing the words to sink in to all three kids. Then she lifted her head up and let out a broken sob. "You kissed me like it was the last time, because it was, wasn't it?"

Draco's head snapped up, his arm around the other girl dropping slowly. "Draco, I can't live with never kissing you again. I can't live without your body, your heat, against my own. The way you whisper into my ear, the way you calm me down when I'm having an anxiety attack? Draco, I can't do that. You are home for me."

He let go of Astoria and halfway stumbled forward, but {Y/N} was prepared for it as soon as he let her go. Their arms wrapped around each other, hers around his torso, his cupping her face in his palms. He immediately leaned down and connected their lips, both of them melting immediately. By the time they pulled away, her crying had died down lightly, but she was shaking. "I want you to imagine never getting to do that again." She breathed out.

Draco shook his head wildly. "I can't. You're my home." Then he closed the gap between them.

Astoria was shouting at them, stomping her feet, but she eventually gave up when she realized something. She thought to herself, who is home to me?

The answer wasn't Draco Malfoy. Because she would never truly be happy with him. She knew who her home was, and she had to get to him.

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