Madnessa Madness PT2

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Y'all should fllw them on ig @shlp.chonix :)
"A what ?!?" Madelaine asked sitting up.

"A mistake, I just cheated on Michael Madelaine."

"You wasn't saying it was a mistake when all 12 inches was inside you pounding yo shit hard as fuck while having you scream DADDY DADDY." Madelaine said getting out of the bed.
(Y'all had a lot to say abt the 13 inch🙄)

"Get out Vanessa and don't come back, when you get your shit together maybe we can talk or figure things out."

"Why are you kicking me ou- VANESSA DO YOU NOT HEAR YOURSELF?!? You said this was a fucking mistake so if it's a mistake get the fuck outta my home. I don't wanna see you ever again."

"Your not serious, you gotta be joking." I let out a nervous laugh, I mean she wouldn't kick me out right ? She didn't even let me explain.

"I'm not joking Vanessa if what we did was a mistake then fucking leave."

"But Madelaine let me explain."

"I don't wanna hear it, I know it's because of Michael and Vanessa I can't keep doing this with you. Im sorry but I can't, your always running to him KNOWING he is not good for you."

"You don't understand Mads I LOVE HIM."

"AND I LOVE YOU!! I've been inlove with you for 5 whole years Nessa is it that hard to fucking see or are you just so fucking blind!!When you started dating Michael that shit fucking broke me Vanessa. That shit hurt so fucking bad and you know what's worse is that you didn't even notice MY bestfriend didn't even notice I was hurting. It's like you forgot about me like you wanted nothing to do with me anymore once you started dating that piece of trash. Always canceling on me for him, everytime he said he needed something you were always running after him. Putting yourself and your needs last because of him and I hate that shit so bad Nessa. Do you know why? It's like you don't care enough to put yourself first." She said on a verge of tears

"Madelaine I'm so sorry I didn't know you felt like this, god I'm such a horrible friend." I tried grabbing her hands but she yanked them away.

"Please don't touch me just leave, I'm sure Michael is probably waiting for you."

"Umm yea your right. I'll umm talk to you later I promise I'll do better you mean everything to me."

"You sure don't act like it."

I gathered my stuff and left. Seeing Madelaine like this hurt me and knowing I was the reason for her pain and anger makes things so much worse.
3 months later
It's been 3 while months since I talked to Vanessa, not a call or text nothing which it hurt alot at first but then I just said fuck it. If she wanted to choose Michael over me her bestie of 6 years then oh well.

I was sitting on my couch go over some lines for my movie "F the prom" when my phone started going off.

Umm hey Mads I know it's been some months but now I wanna talk.

If you don't wanna talk then that's fine I understand.

I was Kinda of shocked she messaged I immediately texted back, I can't go any longer without seeing her.

                         CuddleBear🧸❤️:   Uhhh yea ofc we can talk! I missed you. Umm my house or............???

As soon as I pressed send she read it.

Your house is fine, I have some important stuff to tell you so it'll be best if I came to your house. So I'll maybe you see you in a couple hours.

                          Okay that's fine, see you in a couple hours :)

I was a panicking mess, I haven't seen Nessa in three months but what im most worried about is what she has to tell me. I was scared as fuck.
3 hours later
I was done freshing up waiting for Vanessa to come as I started to get nervous again.

"Calm down Mads." I keep telling myself. I started pacing back and forth trying to calm my nervous. I heard the door bell ring so I finally calmed down and answered it.

As soon as I opened the door Nessa was just standing there in a crop top and sweats looking beautiful.

"Umm are you just go stare or are you go let me in?"

"Oh shit yea,yea come in." I politely moved out her way so she could walk in.

We both sat down next to each just admiring one another. "So I missed you."

"I missed you too Mads."

"Then why haven't you texted or call me till now."

She took a deep breath before speaking." I had cheated on Michael as we both now so after we had sex that night he texted me asking where was I and what I was doing so I panicked and said that what we did was a mistake BUT it wasn't Madelaine I really enjoyed it. So then a week later or so after I left my phone laying around Michael decided to go through it and I'm guessing he put two and two together and figured we slept together."

"H-how would he have found out ? I didn't mention it in our text messages and neither did you."

"Well you see I was having morning sexiness and craving weird things so I umm took a pregancy test."

I  slowly nodded my head starting to realize where this was going." And it came back positive."

"Yes but the thing is Michael knew the babies wasn't his because when we would do it, he wouldn't cum inside of me. He wasn't ready to be a father didn't want the responsibility HIS WORDS not mine." She said looking down.

"Wait so did you keep the baby?"

"Yes and your it's other parent Madelaine but umm if you don't wanna be in it's life then I can be a single parent or- NO I would love to be in my baby life remember when I told you I am inlove with you and I mean it." I said as I got between her legs caressing her cheeks.

"I'm sorry Madelaine."

I have her a confused expression. " For what my love ?"

"For putting you through all this shit."

"Hey it's okay don't say sorry."

"I love you so much Madelaine."

"I love you so much more."

"But umm why did it take you three months."

"Oh well just know Michael was being a bitch and I kept trying to convince myself that I loved as much as I loved you but I just couldn't do it anymore so I finally cut things off with him." She said shrugging.

I nodded my head and gave her a peck and we spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling.
This is trash and I wrote this on 5% so any mistakes my bad my ohone started to lag

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