Kinky Cherry pt3

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Y'all should be happy now especially @choniisstrxpxn since she tried killing me last time over what happened ahhh yesss giving me very much Toxic
Also I hope @TayDanniB28 is happy with ending as well 😉
anygays on with the story 😌
" I woke up next to sweet Pea the events that happened last night ran through my head he's okay during sex but definitely not better then Cheryl I thought if sleeping with him would make my feelings for her somewhat go away but it did not help as crazy as it sounds it made me want her more

"Hey Goodmorning beautiful" Sweet Pea said kissing my neck

"Mhmm Goodmorning sweets but umm about last night I don't wanna say I regret it but we wouldn't work"

"I understand you have feelings for that redhead you introduced me to yesterday at pops but it's cool I understand as long as we can stay friends"

"Of course we can stay friends" I kissed his forehead and he left I took a shower and then texted Cheryl asking to meet her at her house

Bestie💔(Cheryl) TT🤍(Toni)

TT🤍-Hey Cheryl Ik you probably don't want to see or talk to me for what I did yesterday but I we need to talk in person

Bestie💔-why Toni you made your decision and I made mine I choose my wife and not you sorry not sorry

TT🤍-Cheryl come on stop being so stubborn and let me come over and talk to the both of you please

TT🤍- I will even apologize to your wife for the way I acted if it means I get to see you

TT🤍- I want you to know how sorry I am and I will do anything to make it up to you

Bestie💔-Fine you can come over,come at 3

TT🤍-Okay see you later

I was glad Cheryl agreed to letting me come over and I'm definitely not saying sorry to Rebecca because I did nothing to that bitch
Cheryl POV
After last night me and Rebecca had I didn't feel that connection I felt when me and Toni did it

It was no emotion just nothing maybe I was meant to be with Toni what she said had me thinking

"Babbbeee" Rebecca said in her sleepy voice

"Huh what did you say"

"I said what were you thinking about"she said straddling my lap but I gently moved her off of me

"Umm nothing and Toni is coming over to talk so be nice"

"Ughhh I don't like her and I honestly don't want you talking to her anymore she's bad news"

"Don't talk about my bestfriend like that remember why we HAD to get together anyway only because of your stupid parents" I walked off into the bathroom slamming the door but Rebecca just had to follow me great

"What is that supposed to mean do you not want to be with me anymore" she asked nervously

"Honestly I think we aren't gonna work anymore maybe we should just divorced now go our separate ways save yourself from the heartbreak"

"HELL NO THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF THAT RONI BITCH" she said yelling at the top of her lungs


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