"I hate him and its all his fault"

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The title will make sense later on in the story or well I hope so I wrote like the first few half at 12 AM half sleep so bare with me ALSO sumnerc3 gave me this idea a while ago but it's kinda of twist to the original id-juss read it it might be sad doe🤷🏽‍♀️
Chonidaleeee  Thanks for for approving my smut
Cheryl and Toni have been bestifriends since they were 17 years old and now the duo are now 32 and 35.

No they are not dating but to them they are it just don't have a label on it,only because Cheryl was scared to get into a relationship with anybody every since what happened with Nick, even though she knew that her beloved TT wouldn't dare hurt her in any way possible it's just she wasn't in a good mindset.

The two was very aware of their feelings for one another and it was very clear that they belonged to each other even it wasn't a label on it, Toni was HERS and Cheryl was HERS.

Right now the two was cuddled in bed watching a movie as the the sound of the wind was hitting their windows and the clouds turning into a dark shade of grey signaling that a storm was about to happen.

"TT ?" The redhead said as she shifted her whole body to her lover.

"Yes babe ?"

"Do you umm feel a type of way that I don't necessarily call you my girlfriend?"

This question caused the smaller Burnett to raise up looking directly into the pale girls green eyes. Toni was also taken back wondering why she would ask such question.

"No I don't care, whatever makes you happy I'm totally fine with it and I would never pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with." She said stroking the taller girls cheek with her left thumb.

"It's just I- I sometimes feel like I'm not able to give you exactly 100%."

"Oh Cheryl, you're still getting over you know who so it's understandable that your not exactly yourself or able to give me 100% it's okay I promise. Don't stress over it okay."

Toni tries to avoid using Nick names during times where Cheryl feel vulnerable so she doesn't get triggered. All she wants is her bestfriend of 18 years is to feel safe and comfortable at all times no matter what, her job was to protect the ginger haired girl and was going to do it no matter what or who tried getting in her way.

"You know what TT ? I love you and I'm so thankful to have you apart of my life. I honestly don't know what I would do without."

"I love you so very much."

Toni leaned into Cheryl embrace capturing her lips into her hers causing Cheryl to immediately melt.

"I-Mhmm make Love to me TT." Cheryl said pulling back from the kiss.

"Are you sure about that ? I don't wan- please Toni, I need you." Toni slowly nodded her head capturing her favorite pair of lips that she adores oh so much.

Without breaking apart from the kiss the smaller girl slowly hovering her. She then moves her lips down to Cheryl neck creating love bites.

"You do know I love you Cheryl ? Please never forget that."

"Yes I know that TT. I appreciate you so much."

Toni nodded her head moving her lips down the pale girl skin massages her breast.

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