A sick Cheryl

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Y'all I just realized all my one shots have drama well not all of them but most of them so this one has nothing to do with drama...or does it?? Naw I'm just playing gworll but on to the story
I was coughing and throwing up all morning I was feeling horrible so I decided to text Toni so she could bring me some soup and nurse me back to health

Toni POVAs soon as Cheryl texted me I quickly put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and immediately started driving to the nearest pharmacy to get her some medicine then I picked up her some soup and headed over to her house

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Toni POV
As soon as Cheryl texted me I quickly put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and immediately started driving to the nearest pharmacy to get her some medicine then I picked up her some soup and headed over to her house

Cher House

I finally made it to Cher house and I quickly made my way upstairs I could hear her throwing up so I sat her stuff on her desk and went to comfort her

"Aww my poor baby" I said grabbing a towel to wipe her mouth

"I feel like shit TT" after I wiped her mouth and she brushed her teeth I carried her back to her bedroom gently laying her down

"Do you wanna eat your soup now or just cuddle and nap"

"Cuddle and nap for right now"

"Okay let me go take it downstairs then we can cuddle my love" I ran downstairs putting the soup in the microwave then quickly ran back upstairs

"Okay now we can cuddle" after giving her some medicine Cher snuggled into my chest laying her head on my chest

"I love you babygirl so so much" I kissed her forever and once I heard light snores I knew she was sleep
Cheryl POV
I woke up cuddled into Toni chest I glanced at the time seeing it was 5 in the afternoon i slowly got out of Toni embrace and went downstairs to heat up my soup I was starting to feel a little better I still had a fever so I took some more medicine

As I was heating my soup I saw Toni coming downstairs rubbing her eyes still half sleep
"Hey bae how are you feeling" she said pulling to lean on her chest

"I feel somewhat better I took some more medicines I I'm probably just gonna eat my soup and sleep some more so you can go back home if you want"

"You know I'm not gonna leave you I would be a hoer girlfriend if I left you hear all alone while your sick"

"Ehh Your right well let me finish my soup then we can cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the night" she pulled me into a passionate kiss then I finished eating my soup then we headed upstairs

"Okay what you wanna watch sexy" Toni asked as she plopped on the bed

"I heard All American Murder is good how about we watch that"I said as I laid next to her

"That sounds crazy what's that about"

"Well this man killed his wife who was pregnant and then killed their two kids all because he found a new lover and one of his daughters was literally begging him to stop and he didn't"

"Wow I guess we can watch it" we turned on the tv putting the movie on while cuddled up with each other and that's how the rest of the day went just us watching movies relaxing

"Wow I guess we can watch it" we turned on the tv putting the movie on while cuddled up with each other and that's how the rest of the day went just us watching movies relaxing

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@TheCherylBombshell; My wittle baby decided to take care of me since I'm sickie 🥰       
I love you ❤️ (@T.TOPaz)

@T.TOPaz; Anything for you mamas 😘

@Kev_GayKing;Awwww my ship is sailing love to see it 🤩 Get better Queen👑🏳️‍🌈

@SweetsPea18; Tiny is literally whipped
Happy you finally find that special some-one Tiny 💕
   @T.TOPaz; Aww not sweets being soft
@SweetsPea18;Mannnneeeee hush

@Elizabeth_Cooper; ✨goals✨🏳️‍🌈

@FangsF; Damn never seen the HBIC her self so vulnerable Tiny has made you soft (All love)😭😂💗
@TheCherylBombshell; Whatever Fangs💕

@VeronicaLuna; Y'all both are whipped for each other there I said thank me later 😗✌🏾

@PopularLoner.Jones; Proposing ??🌚
@T.TOPaz; Ehhh soon maybe 👀
@PopularLoner.Jones; chop chop my guy

@archieA; Kids??👀

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