Madnessa Talk about Kids

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So Madnessa already has one daughter Maddie but she tells them she wants another sibling so they have a little talk about it
Also she calls Vanessa dad and Mads is Mommy
Maddie POV (their daughter)

I was in my room playing with my toys wishing I had a someone to play with maybe I could ask my parents for a baby brother so I won't have to be bored and lonely

I went downstairs to the den I figured they were probably in there talking or watching movies

" hey mommy and daddy can I ask you a question"

"Of course" they both said at the same time

"I wanna have a baby brother " I said getting straight to the point

My dad choked on air and my momma just froze like she didn't know what to do or say
So I walked over to her and popped her on her head

"Hello *hit* did *hit* you *hit* hear *hit* me"

"Don't hit your mother like that go to your room and think about what u just did and then we will talk about what u just asked" my dad said with a stern look on her face

Vanessa POV

I was still a little shocked about Maddie saying she wanted another sibling

"Are we ready for another kid" I said looking at Mads

"Honestly yes I think we are ready maybe we should try for another baby"

"What if she ask where do babies come from" I asked Mads

"Umm I don't know but we will think of something" she said shrugging

"When can we start then babygirl " I whispered in her ear in a seductive tone biting her head

"Later you horn pig but right now we have to talk to our daughter first oh and you have to punish her for hitting me" I rolled my eyes playfully at her I always had to be the bad parent

" why do I have to be the bad parent and punish her" she gave me a peck on the lips shrugging her shoulders

I pulled closer into my embrace to deepen the kiss I place my hands in her shorts cupping her now wet pussy

"No No later now call Maddie in here


"Yes" she asked in her sweet soft voice

"Even though hitting your mama was wrong and I'm sure you've had time to think about that what you have done but we going to have to take  your iPad for two weeks okay and we have decided that we will try having another baby

"Well I'm sad about the iPad being taken for two week I guess I deserve it I'm sorry mommy but at least I will get a sibling but where do babies come from do we just order one "

"Umm remember that movie we watched were the bird brought the baby and laid it on the porch of someone's house " I asked as I sat Maddie on my lap

"Ooohhh so that's where babies come froml

"Yep they sure do"Madelaine said kissing her forehead

"Well let's go eat to celebrate" Maddie said jumping up and down

"I agree let's go but let change first" Mads said glaring at me but I just shrugged my shoulders
At veggie Grill

So me and the girls were just sitting in a booth talking and eating our food until we heard the bell ring letting us know someone walked in

"Oh hey guys"Lili and Cami said

"Hey aunties and oh and my cousin come sit with us" Maddie said cami and Lili had a son his name Justin

"So it's been a minute since we seen each other or hanged how y'all been"

"I know right it's been foreveeer maybe we can get the whole gang and maybe have a sleep over at the Morgan-Petsch residence"

"Of course since we have plenty guest rooms just text us in the group chat and we plan from there"

"Yayayaya yayaya"Justin and Maddie said

Everyone just laughs and talked for the rest of the time just enjoying everyone's company
Wow two updates in one day 😁 also I didn't feel like smut I might make this another part just for smut
What do y'all wanna see in *The Accident* I know what Imma wrote thanks to sumnerc3 and @Chonilover13 I just need help starting it

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