Teasing on set-smut

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Madelaine had been teasing me all day on set so now it was my turn to get her back. Right now her and River were sitting on the couch as she gave him back rubs.

" You like that huh?Ohhhh, that's nice huh?" River didn't pay attention to the redhead words he went straight for her boobs causing me to laugh and Mads raised her brows at me.

"Riv no, You can't have Auntie Mads boobs." He crawled over to me pointing to mines then pointing to his mouth.

"You hungry bubs? Okay give mommy a second I have a bottle made already." I went into the baby bag and grabbed the slightly warm milk.

I handed the bottle to Riv but he just looked at me like, "this is not what I wanted." But he laid back and drank it.

"Poof just like that baby River is out." Mads said laughing.

"You know he really adores you." I said walking over straddling her lap; her hands instantly going to my ass.

"I am a pretty good aunt if I do say so myself."  I hummed rocking against her center.

"V-Vanessa what are you doing?"

"Huh? I'm just sitting here before we have to finish filming. Is that a problem,babe?" I whispered into her ear sending shivers down her pale body.

"No of course not." She chuckled softly." I kissed down her necked moving my hands under her skirt.

Once I felt her lean back I stopped what I was doing and walked out the trailer room.

"What the actual fuck?!" I heard her yell. Now just wait till later and I'll really get my pay back.

Filming was now over for us which ended earlier than usual; I headed back to my trailer hearing River's little laughs causing me to smile.

"Hey mommy baby. We can go home now!!" I said clapping. I grabbed all our belongings and headed out.

"V wait up?!" I heard from behind me. I slowly turned around seeing Cami.

"Wassup Cam's?"

"I was wondering if me and uncle Charles could babysit baby Riv for the night, you know just some auntie and uncle bonding time."

"Uhh yes sure, what do you say River? Do you wanna spend time with your aunt and uncle?" I asked, tickling his sides. He nodded his head laughing.

"Yayaya!!" Camila said, making grabby hands at the smaller blond. I passed her his bag letting her know everything they needed was in there; I kissed his head telling him how much I loved him and they left.

I went home and immediately headed for the shower. I didn't care about anything else at the moment. All I knew was I had a hard day and needed a nice steamy shower to calm me down.

I stripped all of my clothing and slowly stepped in the shower trying to not burn myself by jumping in too quickly, as I've done numerous times.

"Siri play my  shower playlist."

"Okay, playing Shower playlist."
𝑀𝑎𝑑'𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑣

I was finally home, after filming I had to ask Roberto about Choni getting back together anytime soon and of course he said he would think about it. I honestly can't stand him but now I wasn't even worried about that I just wanted to shower and relax in my bed.

I entered the house and it was wayyyy quieter than usual. I'm guessing Nessa and Riv were asleep.

I dropped my stuff on the couch and headed upstairs. I checked Rib's room first but it was empty so I figured he was sleeping V.

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