"It's because I'm Black huh"

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Y'all I'm black.......Juss had to let y'all know
Today started off as a normal day for the couple,they went on a breakfast date, ran a few errands and even did a little shopping.

It was now after 2 in the afternoon and they were making there way home.

They thought they would be able to get to their destination with no problems but they were very wrong.

The problem could have been prevented but a certain someone felt "threatened."

But in reality it was because of the color of Toni skin.
"Babe are you sleepy?" I asked as glanced over at my beautiful wife.

"Yes but-then go to sleep my love,we are almost home."

"No I wanna be able to sleep in the comfort of my own bed and have cuddles." She said yawing.

"Cher baby you are extremely tired go to sleep."

"But Ton- no don't but me you are tired so go to sleep. Nothing bad nor important is gonna happen." I said as I slowly rubbed her thigh.

"Ugh fine if you say so."

"I love you." I was stopping at the red light so I turned looking directly into her precious brown eyes. The way they glisten when the light hits and how you can see her amazing red hair. Two of the mains reason I love her.

"I love you more tones." We shared a passionate kiss. I then turned my attention back to the road.

As I was driving I noticed a cop car behind with their lights on but I thought nothing of it mainly because I wasn't doing anything.

I was driving seventy in a eighty, my tags wasn't expired everything was just fine so I kept driving.

I couldn't help but noticed how they started to catch up to me.

"I guess I'll pull over." I thought to myself. So that's exactly what I did.

I started tapping my fingers on my legs because my nerves was starting to get the best of me. I mean who wouldn't be nervous when driving as a black person then having a WHITE police officer pull you over. Especially driving while black.

"Uhhh TT why did we stop." Cheryl asked her sleepy voice.

"Because I got pulled over baby but don't worry, I did nothing wrong."

"No I have to worry have you not seen the ne- she was cut of by the officer knocking on the window.

"How may I help you officer." I asked politely making sure not to sound disrespectful.

"Imma need you to step out of the care for me ma'am."

"Not to be rude officer but I know my rights and I have a right to know why I was pulled over, so please can you tell me why you decided to pull me over."

"I need you to step out of the car ma'am."

"Not till you give me a valid reason for me being pulled over."

"Babe calm down, we don't want any problems okay?" I nodded my head and turned my focus back to the man beside me.

"Listen ma'am, I need you to step out of the car. Stop resisting." He said with more bass and anger in his voice.

"I'm not fuckin- I'm not resisting, what are you talking about sir. You won't even answer my question and your trying to get mad at me. Unbelievable, oh it's because I'm black huh ?!"

"TT please just do what he say's. I don't want you to get hurt." I can see how worried and scared she was so I gave in and got out of the car.

"Alright I'll get out. Do you see my hands right here, I have no weapon in them okay?" I slowly stepped out of the car making sure my hands stayed visible.

I saw Cheryl pull out her phone recording. I watched the officer put his hands on his gun.

"Sir what are you doing. I don't have a weapon and I'm not resisting please there's no reason for you to have one as well."

"Shut up you nigga." I was caught by surprised but tried to remain calm, for the sake of Cheryl.He then proceeded to keep his hand on his weapon slowly pulling it out.


"Ma'am please get back in the car this doesn't involve you."

"Just tell us why you pulled us over alright! I've stood here and listened and obeyed your fucking orders and you can't even tell me what I did wrong."

"I'm so sick of you niggas y'all think y'all are so much better then us whites but in reality your nothing but THUGS."

"Thats no why to talk to- I fell down clinching my chest seeing blood.


"I-I thought it was my taser.I really am so- Just shut up."

"Hey baby stay with me, please!! I need you to keep your eyes open."

"I-I love y-you *cough* Cheryl forever a-and always." I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer so and they slowly started to get heavy.

"No No Toni open your eyes baby, please I love you."

"Call fucking back up you idiot."

Toni's lifeless body laid in the middle of the street as her wife Cheryl Blossom-Topaz shaking her body as if she would come back.

"I'm sorry Miss but due to how long it took the ambulance to get here we weren't able to save her."

"So if we were able to come earl- yes." I nodded my head and started sobbing.

"All because she was black." I said over and over

The officer did nothing but continued to say say sorry and say "I thought it was my taser."

But no matter how many times he tried to use that as an excuse Toni family plus the BLM Community didn't believe it one bit.

It was sad how a "good day" soon turned into the "worse day" in all a matter of seconds. Cheryl nor Toni thought something like this would happen to her but look it did. It goes to show that no matter what black people will always be judged for the color of their something they can't control.

Cheryl spent countless nights crying, hoping and wishing it was all dream but watching the news and reading articles about how her Toni was shot and killed by Riverdale police department for have a air freshener in the mirror. Yea that's right days later the man confessed to saying he killed Toni because of the air freshener and I quote " It could have caused an accident I was just trying to prevent it." This just made her feel an unexplainable pain. Something she thought she would never have to feel.

But what made her body boil is how people still called the man who shoot her wife a hero when the evidence was clear that Toni did nothing wrong.

Thanks to Cheryl recording everything she publish the video all over socials. It was everywhere Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok even more.

For Toni family they made signs, protested and even made a petition to get their sweet babygirl justice. All they wanted was for people to say her name.....Antoinette Topaz.
May she be remembered as the lovely person she was and not just for being killed because of her skin color.
Daunte Wright was killed because of an AIR FRESHENER

George Floyd was killed because store clerk alleged he had passed a counterfeit $20 bill (who got justice served)

Breonna Taylor was killed because they had the wrong home

Ma'Khia Bryant called the police and yet they still killed her

And so many more black people. We have to say their names too make sure they aren't forgotten.
I wrote this in an hour so excuse my mistakes just tryna let the important stuff be heard

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