The one were Travelaine are together

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Vanessa POV
I hated seeing them together that should be me and Madelaine all hugged up and being lovely dovey but no Travis get to have her all to himself and I hated ever bit of it

"Hey Nessa what's wrong" Mads asked walking into my trailer

"Nothing why'd you ask"

"You've just been umm distant since me and Travis got together I've just been worried about you"

"Oh" I said looking down

"Vanessa are you sure you know you can tell me anything I am your bestfriend we would never keep secrets from each other"

"I know and I'm not keeping any secrets I just figured you and Travis would you know like some alone time"

"Yea we do but I will always have time for my bestie"

"I kno-I was interrupted by her phone ringing

"Hey baby yea I'm Nessa trailer just talking-yea yea okay bye love you too" I wish that was me she was calling baby but I know it would never happen

"Sorry Nessa I have to go Love you"

"Lov- before I could say it back she was gone I hated having feelings for my bestfriend knowing we would never be together
Madelaine POV
I knew some was wrong with Vanessa I just wish she would talk to me but I wasn't going to pressure her into telling me what's wrong I know she would tell me when she was ready.....I hope

"Hey babygirl how was filming " Travis said kissing my cheek

"Hey babe it was good I'm just glad we are done filming for the day well I am"

"Aww my baby how about we go to veggie grill"

"I'd love too let me go tell Nessa she can come with"

"Umm I was thinking it could just be us two you know a date"

"Yea but it's been a while since I hung out with Vanessa I figured she could join us"

"Maybe next time and plus she going to be third wheeling nobody wants to third wheel"

"I guess your right just let me go tell her" I said walking off I knew this would hurt her feelings since I barely hang out with her but we will hang out another time

"Hey Vanessa umm me and Travis are goons go to veggie grill" I said scratching the back of my neck

"And let me guess I can't go" she said looking down

"I-uhm- yea I'm sorry"

"No I get it you always choose him over me always but I understand Im gonna head home bye Madelaine"  I knew she was upset but I wonder why ever since me and  Travis started dating she's been distant
Ehhh this is short but I just needed to update :)

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