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Vanessa POV
"Vanessa, shut up talking to me" Mads huffed. We've been arguing non-stop for like two hours. "NO BECAUSE YOU NEED TO LISTEN" I yelled


"JUST SHUT-" I couldn't finish my sentence before her hand was around my throat. It was very aggressive, damn now I'm horny

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME" I yelled at her face, kicking her lower half which didn't phase her because I'm so short, my feet barely touched her

"Calm down" she warned. "No, get the fuck off of me Madelaine" I gritted, my voice lower this time

The reason we've been arguing is because she came home smelling like another bitch and I was all for having a civilized talk until she started getting defensive

"I'm telling you, I didn't cheat on you, I have not been with another female" she huffed. "Yeah, okay" I scoffed

"I hear you" I sighed. "Are you listening though?" She asked. "IT STILL DOESN'T JUSTIFY WHY YOU SMELL LIKE THAT" I yelled, unintentionally

She leaned down toward my ear, whispering low and seductive. "Face down, ass up" she said. I just looked up at her. "Now" she demanded

I slowly started stripping, getting into position while she walked into the closet. "Baby-shut up" she gritted, cutting me off

"Mads-I said shut up" she interrupted, once again. "Close your eyes" she sighed. "Can you-damn V, just do what I say" she laughed

I closed my eyes, quickly opening them one I felt something cold on my wrists. I was about to say something but she beat me to the punch. "Do I need to gag you?" She asked

I shook my head no. "Words" she demanded. "No" I answered. She climbed onto the bed, position herself behind me

"Now, you've raised your voice at me, disobeyed me, the list just goes on and on" she sighed. "How many licks do you think you deserve?" She asked

"None" I mumbled, hoping she didn't hear me. The first hit was unexpected. Her hand came down EXTREMELY HARD on my bare ass cheeks

"Say it again" she challenged, I remained quiet beside my whimpers. "That's what I thought" she smiled

She delivered 15 hard ass hits to my ass. It was hurt like hell but it felt good at the same time. She then started toying with my clit

"Fuck" I cursed. Mads was very skillful when it came to anything sexual. She was an expert with her mouth, hands, fingers, elbows, even her damn knees were powerful

"I asked a question" her voice interrupted my thoughts. "I didn't hear you" I moaned as she started rubbing faster. "Nevermind" she laughed

"Mads I'm sorry okay but can you like do something, all this teasing is driving me insane" I pleaded. She gripped my neck from behind

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do" she whispered, sucking on my neck. "Shit" I cursed. "Watch your mouth" she warned

I then heard something zip, then felt something slimy right on my entrance. She was rubbing her dick up and down my clit

"Put it in daddy" I whined. "Do you deserve it?" She asked. "Yes" I lied. "Since you lied, you can wait" she nodded

"Baby please, I'm sorry" I whined. "No you aren't" she responded. "Yes I-FUCKKK BABY" she cut my sentence short by shoving her full length into me

She was pounding into me at a relentless pace. "Baby slow down" I moaned. "When you slow down on my nerves" she responded

She was hitting my g-spot with every thrust. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" I yelled. She went even harder, hitting my cervix

My insides were destroyed by now. She gripped my hair, very hard, pulling me towards her. Luckily I was  close enough to the cuffs to where I could lift up or my wrists would have fallen off

"You love me?" She asked, still pounding into me. My words were in coherent, considering she was ripping my insides apart

"That was a question" she mumbled, leaving a hickey onto my skin. "YES BABY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH" I moaned out

"Just checking" she laughed. "FUCK, IM CLOSE" I yelled to her. "Hold it" she grunted. "Baby I c-can't" I whimpered

"The fuck did I say?" She asked. "To hold it" I answered, about to reach back to put my hand on her stomach but my hands were cuffed, great. "So that's what the fuck you're going to do" she gritted

After about five more minutes later she released the most beautiful sentence ever. "Cum para mi princesa" she whispered

I don't know what the fuck she said because I failed Spanish, but I heard cum so I let go HARD. I moaned every word that came to mind

Mads slowly pulled out. I knew that she was about to buss just by her tone. I pushed her infront of me, with my ass since my hands were tied, telling her to let go

She released into my mouth, I swallowed every drop, letting some drip onto my chin. She uncuffed me, laying me down

She got between my legs and began cleaning me up, drawing another orgasm from me as she did so

"You taste so fucking good" she moaned. "Right back at you" I smiled. "Stand up for me" she instructed, biting back a laugh

"Fuck you Madelaine" I huffed, continuing to lie down. She carefully picked me up, carrying to the bathroom

After showering and changing the sheets, we cuddled in bed. "Neesa" she whispered. "Yeah" I whispered back

"I love you and I promise with my whole soul I didn't cheat on you" she said, looking into my eyes. "My mom was a little happy to see me, that's all" she added

Mads had never gave me a reason not to trust her so I don't even know why I would think she would cheated on me. "I love you more, I'm sorry" I apologized

"I'd never cheat on you, even after all these years of us being together, it never even crossed my mind" she admitted

She looked so cute. I kissed her nose, cheeks, then lips. "I know baby" I laughed. "I wanna laugh" she pouted

"You just look really cute" I smiled. "Oh" she shrugged. "Hey babe, what did you say in spanish?" I asked

"I'll tell you another day" she laughed. I shrugged before letting sleep take over my body
kennahsharee Tank you ma'am 😌 me wovesssss youuuu !!! Now u juss gotta publish ur book that has over 66 chapters

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