The Accident PT4

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Vanessa POV

I have been staying with my friend Jake for a few days now and during these few days we have been having alot of make out sessions and I haven't seen or heard from Madelaine she's probably fucking that slut of hers

I was now in the kitchen cutting me some fruit when Jake wrapped his arms around my waste

"Hey babe" he said kissing up my neck

"Mhmm h-hey" I could feel him smirking against my neck

He then turned me around picking me up wrapping my legs around him pecking my lips

"I-I was wondering maybe we could have a little fun you know" Jake said winking at me I knew he was talking about sex part of me wanted to cause I haven't been touched in some days and the other part of me was thinking about Mads but she cheating on me first so it wouldn't matter plus we are taking break

"I'd love too" he ran upstairs to the bed room while still holding me laying me on the bed sliding his hands under my shirt cupping my boobs

"Comeeee onnn just fuck me already PLEASE"

"Okay okay Sexy just relax" He started sucking on my neck leaving hickies everywhere then he finally removed my clothes while I removed his this should be interesting
(I ain't feel like writing smut for them)

"Whew that great babe" I said while tried catching my breath even though Jake wasn't as good as Mads and his dick wasn't near the same size as her it felt great to have a little fun

"Wanna go again"

"This time I gonna ride you"

Madelaine POV
I was missing Vanessa like crazy her pink soft lips her smile her giggle her moans her soft voice and mainly our cuddles but we are still taking a break but I have been planning us a getaway so we can get back on good terms
I haven't contacted her because I wanted to give her some time and space

But today I was gonna go to her friend Jakes house that's were she's been staying
Jakes house

I pulled up to Jakes house waiting for someone to come open the door

"H-oh Madelaine what do you want" he asked with a sternly tone

"I came to see my wife is that a problem"

"Umm I g-BABE WHO IS THAT" I heard Toni voice that kind of hurt  me but I did it first so I couldn't be upset but that really did hurt she came down the stairs limping and my whole heart felt like it had just been broken into a million pieces

"It's just Madelaine umm you can come in I'll give you two some time" I nodded my head while he let me in

"Soo what do you want Mads I haven't heard from since I left and now you wanna show up"

"I didn't come to argue I'm tired of all that I just want my wife back I want us to be in good terms because I miss you Vanessa I miss your laughter your smile your soft raspy morning voice your cute little snores your pink soft lips holding your hands I miss cuddling you and yes I know fucked up and it's gonna take more time for you to forgive me I'm okay with that but as long as I can have you back in my arms that's all that matters" I was pouring my heart out to her because I wanted her to know I I was genuinely sorry

"Mads I-I don't know what to say but I think you I should I tell you that me and Jake- Yes I know and it's okay"

"Are you sure"  I got on my knees bring her hands up to me so I could kiss them

"I'm positive my love"

"I don't deserve you" she said looking down but I softly lifted her chin up

"No beautiful I don't deserve you even after what I did you were willing to give me another a chance and I'm so grateful to you you are the most important person in my life I'll do whatever it takes to make all these the right" she laughed and my whole fave light up I missed that sound so much

"Really a Cheryl line" she rolled her eyes playfully

"Yea yea yea but I mean it I really do that's why I booked us a trip we're we can get away from the world and only focus on us that's wanna go"

"I would love too"

"So does that mean we aren't on break anymore" I asked jumping up asking with excitement

"Your such a wittle kid but yes only because I don't want us to be like me and Michael" she said whispering the last part

"Oh baby I promise you we will never end up like him if we ever have a disagreement I promise we will talk it out and I won't just leave you like he did okay"

"Okay" I pulled her into a nice passionate kiss it wasn't sexually it was just full with all our love we have for each other

"Uhmm I'm glad you to made up" we heard a voice come from behind us causing us to jump apart it was Jake scratching his head awkwardly

"Yea and Jake thank you so much for letting me stay here with for those few days bf Im gonna go home today"

"Yea no that's cool and about earli- That was a one time thing that can never happen again" Jake nodded his head

Vanessa then went to go get all her belongings then we left heading back to our house

"I missed you so much"

" I miss you even more princess"
Next part will have be interesting
Vanessa is gonna have secret to tell Madelaine but how will Mads take the news

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