Baby River

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Wifey is so perfect ^^
Idk juss read it ig but it's a 3 a.m thought which was wrote at 3 AM too 😭 🤷🏽‍♀️
"Vanessa stop playing, just tell me." Me and Mass have been arguing for the past hour and I was starting to get annoyed

"Madelaine how many times do I have to tell you. I don't know okay ?!"

"How don't you know!?" She as,Ed raising her voice.

"I was drunk Mads I wasn't trying to but I did and it lead me here what am I supposed to do?"

"Get a DNA test." She said calming down.

"I-what !? How?!"

" I know someone who can do it for us but Vanessa look at me." I rolled my eyes but looked directly into hers .

" Is baby River my son."  That's the thing I didn't know and I k ow it sounds bad but it's the truth. One night I was drunk outta my mind and slept with someone who wasn't madelaine and yes I regretted that shit terribly.

" Or is he Michael son, look if it's a possibility then I won't get mad I'll still choose to be by your side 100%."

" I'm not sure it did happen a few days after we did it soooooo." I said shrugging my shoulders. I could tell how stressed Mads was so ease her struggles I figured I would just do this test.

"Let's just get the DNA test, Mads I'm sorry and I regret what I did. I shouldn't have got drunk but I did and- Nessa,baby stop it's fine honestly I'll call my friend so she can get us the DNA test."

"Your not mad?"

" yea kind of because theirs a chance your first born isn't mine but I'll get over it."

"Okay." I said pecking her lips gently.

"Okay let me go call my friend and we do whatever you want." She said hugging my waist.

"You do that but I need to talk to Michael, I mean it's only right he know." I said patting her chat.

" Yea he does need to know.I love you."

"I love you too."

I finally made it to Michael house as I felt my nervous coming back , I hope he doesn't over reacts.


"Umm Vanessa what are you doing here?" He asked with a confused expression.

"Can I come in, I Umm have something important to tell you."

"Uhh yea come on in, do you want a drink or anything?" I just simply shook my head no.

"So before I tell you this please don't get mad ."

"I won't,I promise." He said grabbing my hands but I awkwardly moved away from him.

"Okay so Umm Remember when we you know a couple weeks ago."

"Yea it was amazing but what about it."

"Well for one I regret it you know I'm dating madelaine so what we did was a mistake." I felt bad for the boy as his smile turned into a frown.

"Y-yea right."

"So Umm imma just say it I guess. I'm pregnant and theirs a chance that this baby could be yours but their could also be a chance that the baby is Mads a-and if you don't wanna be in it's life then I'd understand bu- Vanessa."

"It's okay if the baby is mine then of course I'll be in its life and if it isn't then that fine I don't care as long as your healthy and happy. I'm sure Madelaine is taking good care of you."

"Yea she is." I said laughing nervously.
Things were now getting awkward as Michael was just staring into my eyes leaning in.

"Well I Umm I have to go-get I have to get home you know don't wanna keep my girlfriend worried."

"Oh yea right well we will keep in touch"

"Yes we will." I said goodbye then left.

I'm shocked I'm still woke but I'm so sleepy but I shall finish this chapter

Madelaine POV
"Come on Lexie please I need one of your family doctors to get me a DNA test for me and my girl"

"If your girl pregnant then why would you need test a te- OH MY GOD SHE FUCKING CHEATED ON YOU."

"Not necessar- fuck you just have one of your family doctors to give me a call so I can get the damn test thanks and goodbye."

Me and Lexie have known each since we were in diapers, her family is extremely rich so I knew I could ask her for the test since her and family sorta had the same problem.

I was now in the shower letting the water hit my head as I was off into Space thinking. I was so into my thought that I didn't hear Vanessa step in.

"What's wrong my love?" She asked rubbing my sides

"Nothing important, what did Michael say." I asked Turning to look at the smaller girl.

"He was very accepted and said he would be there if River is his." I nodded my head and continued to shower

Yea yea skip some time cause I'm a tired ass bitch 😔

Vanessa POV
Today was the day that we would be getting the result.

"Are you ready?" I asked a nervous Madelaine.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I slowly opened the envelope make sure I read every letter , did t want to miss read.

"Sooooo what does it say ? Am I his momma ?

"Here read for yourself."

I watched as she read over the letter as a smile rose over her face.

"HIS MY SON HIS MY SON." she shouted jumping up and down."

"Yes you are baby,yes you are

Goodnight 😴  or good morning or wte it may be when I publish this or where- u get what I'm tryna say

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