The One Where Michael is Scary

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Everyone has heard about me and Michael divorce the Choni/madnessa fandom we're happy and lowkey kind of bashing Michael ever chance they got (we stay bashing that boy but he deserves it 🤷🏽‍♀️)and his fandom try's coming for me but Mads and our fandom always put them in their place I'm so greatful to have them but what everyone didn't know was that me and Michael are still technically married since we haven't been able to go court to get everything finalized but Madelaine has been here for every step of the way and she's who I'm staying with while being in Vancouver

"Hey Mads do you wanna go out today"

"Yea where do you wanna go" she asked walking towards me

"Umm I don't know how about we just go for a walk for right now"

"Okay and hello my wonderful baby how are you doing today in mommy's tummy" she bent down kissing my stomach even though me and Madelaine weren't together she still called my son her child and I thought it was cute

"Awww your so sweet"

"Of course only for the people I love and you and my babyboy are the only people who get to see my sweet side"

"I love you Madelaine Petsch"

"I love you more Vanessa Morgan" she said kissing my cheek
We decided to bring olive with us on our walk and without Yoshi she was pretty much lonely but she was okay Me and and Mads were just talking about random things until she asked me about Michael

"Soo umm Nessa I was wondering when are you and Michael are going to finalize the divorce" she asked looking everywhere but at me

"Well when ever Courts open back up I guess we will go but until then I honestly don't know"

"Oh okay"

"Why did you ask"

"Oh no reason I was just thinking about something that's all" she said looking down

"What were you thinking about"

"Umm nothing important"she said looking at me and I could tell she was lying

"Mads I know when your lying just tell me"

"Well let's I like this person and I'm kind of Inlove with them but I can't be with them"

"What why not if you love them then be would them" I said wrapping my arms around her waist

"It's not as easy as you think"

"Okay well who is this person can I atleast get a name" I asked with a pout

"I'm sorry Nessa but that's to much info"

"But-wait isn't that Michael" I said looking across the street

"Uhhh yea I guess but isn't he in Texas with his scary ass" she mumbled the last part not knowing I still heard her

"That's what I thought I'm going to go to talk to him"

"Vanessa Morgan Mziray do not- before she could finish I had already walked off from her and olive


"Uhh yea- Oh Vanessa hi"

"What are you doing here in Vancouver I thought you were in Texas since that were you ran off to after you filled for divorce" I said rolling my eyes

"I-I was but then I came here hoping I would run into so I could say sorry"

"I don't care-no let me finish I'm sorry I ran back to Texas after you told me about you being pregnant I guess I was just scared and still kinda am that's why I'm hiding from the public eye"

"The lies" we both heard Madelaine say

"Umm this doesn't involve you Madeleine"

"It's Madelaine" I correct him but he just rolled his eyes

"Thanks Nessa and anything that involves Vanessa and OUR son is my business now since your scary ass ran away after she told you she was pregnant we are going back to our house I don't want to you near Vanessa again unless you too are going to court to finalize the divorce okay now goodbye Michael" Mads grabbed me hand and we walked off leaving a shocked Michael behind

"Thank you so much Mads"

"Don't thank me remember anything for the people I love and even though we aren't dating I still want you to know that I will always love and care for u and our son" she said kissing my cheek

"We love you too"
So apparently it's been three days since I updated this book sorry bout that but COMMENT AND VOTE :)

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