Pregancy by the bully PT2

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"I'm pregnant" Vanessa said fidgeting with her fingers.

"It's okay" I told her grabbing her hands in mine.

"Wait your not mad I kind of figured you would be since I said I was on the pill and now I'm pregnant you probably won't nothing to do with m-Stop Nessa it's okay I'm guessing you just forgot to take the pill and of course I still wanna be with you"

"You do" she asked kind of shocked.

"Duhhh just because your pregnant with my baby doesn't mean I won't nothing to do with you I love you Vanessa and I think we will be be able to handle a baby just fine"

"Wait You- You love me " she asked pointing to her self causing me to laugh.

"Yes I love you and you don't have to say it back and I don't want you to think just because your pregnant with my baby that I'm just saying it but no I really do love you I was actually gonna make things official between us today" I said laughing nervously.

"Well Ms.Madelaine I would love to be your girlfriend and I think I love you too" when she said she think she loved me I started to frown.

"Oh no baby I was just playing I love you too" we both leaned in for a kiss which was very passionate and full of love.

"Eww Petsch so your dating the nerd now you can do so much better" We pulled apart from our kiss only to be meet with Travis Mills.

"Aye listen up Mills if you ever say anything bad about my girl again I will end you and that goes for anybody else who wants to try me" I said pointing to everyone who was in the hallway.

"Yea okay sorry Petsch"

"I'm not the one you should be saying sorry to Mills"

"Yea right uhm Sorry Morgan I shouldn't have said anything it won't happen again" he said waking of awkwardly.

"Soooo you two huh" Michael ,Vanessa bestfriend asked.

"Yea crazy ain't it huh who would have thought that I would be in love with my bully"

"What about Kopach you have any love interest"

"Yea I'm kind of crushing on Travis but I hear he likes someone else so I might just be single for a while you know"

"Yea but we need to head to class" Vanessa said unlacing our hands.

"I can walk you if you want princess"

"No your class is all the way of the other side of the building I don't want you to be late" I nodded my head and have her a quick peck.
5 years later

It's been five years since Madelaine had found out about Vanessa being pregnant with her child and the couple couldn't be more  happier.

Vanessa had gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Peyton Rose Morgan-Petsch.

Vanessa had became a singer after graduating from high school while Madelaine became a model.

"Okay Pey do you have the ring" I asked my 5 year old daughter as she ran up to me.

"Yes right here momma" she said in a sweet angelic voice.

"Okay and do you remember what the ring is for princess" I asked with a raised brow.

"Yep you gonna marry mommy" she said clapping her hands.

"Great now go get mommy for me and guide her back here got it"

"Got it" I watched has she sprinted into the house. I was starting to get nervous and I was overthinking, maybe it was to soon.

"Awww baby what's all this" I heard Vanessa beautiful voice.

"Momma has a surprise for you mommy"

"Oh really what is it babe" I gently rubbed her cheek.

"Soooo I say this because I have an important question to ask you"


"So Vanessa I know when we first met I was kinda a jerk and I did some things I shouldn't have done and then we ended up doing the baby making process" I laughed at the thought.

"And I'm so glad that we did because I have my beautiful princess and I wouldn't trade her or this for anything in the world. You made me a better person and I sometimes think that if I didn't have you to change me that I would be here" by now we were both crying.

"These past few years that we have been together have been the best so what the being said princess bring the surprise" Peyton danced her little self over to us laughing.

"Thank you babygirl now Vanessa Morgan will you make me happiest person in the world and do the honor of becoming Mrs. Morgan-Petsch"

"of course I will I couldn't see my self marrying someone who isn't you"

"Yayayaya mommy and momma getting marry"

"Who would have thought I would be marrying my bully let alone have a kid by her but I'm glad it happened

"Me too my love"
The end 🙃

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