The one were online learning is hard

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Okay so I was trying to do my work and I go virtually and let me tell y'all dat shit is ughhhh but let's continue with the chapter :)
So Me and Toni were currently doing our work she was on a zoom call with some teacher and I was trying to do these damn assignments but it's to much and to stressful

"Babe" Toni said walking over to sit in my lap

"Yes babygirl"

"This virtual learning is to hard I think imma dropout"

"I know right but we can't"

"Whyyyyy" she asked with a pout

"Because if don't then we don't graduate mamas and we need to graduate Love"

"Ughhh fine buttttt I have something that's more entertaining then doing this stupid ass work" TT looked at me with a smirk

"Well what might th-before I could even finish my sentence she started kissing me which turned pretty hot pretty quick

"M-mhm b-babe I-I-I need y-ou" I immediately flopped us over so now I was top only breaking the kiss to take off our clothes

"Huury u-*knock* Oh my godddd" Toni said with an annoyed tone

"I'll go get it" I went downstairs in only my sports bra and boxers whoever is at the door better have a good reasoning for being here

"Hey Cher-oh I'm guessing I interrupted something by looking at your uhm clothes"Veronica said pointing to my shirt and boxers

"Yea Ronnie you did what do you want"

"Well since me and the rest of the gang is currently skipping-how do u skip virtual learning u simple just don't go" I said cutting her off

"Bitch don't get smart with me and back to what I was saying we SKIPPED class so we decided that we would over and hang out"

"Uhhh how about we meet you at the mall in like ummmm like 45 minutes instead of hanging here all day"

"Yea that'll give you enough time to get laid" she said walking off with a smirk

"OH SHUT UP" I closed the door and went back up stairs to me and Toni room and I heard water running so I went into the bathroom and stripped and hopped in the shower along side Toni

"Hey baby who was that at the door"

"It's was just Veronica us and the gang are going to go to the mall in a few" I said wrapping my arms around her waste and kissing her neck

"Shall we continue what we started"

"Yes we shall"

"Yes we shall"---

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TONI OUTFIT ---At the mall Toni POVWe finally pulled up to the mall but we were just sitting in the car waiting for everybody else to pull up so me and Cheryl was just sitting in the car talking and singing until Kev knocked on the window

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At the mall Toni POV
We finally pulled up to the mall but we were just sitting in the car waiting for everybody else to pull up so me and Cheryl was just sitting in the car talking and singing until Kev knocked on the window

"You look so beautiful babe" Cheryl said as she interwhined our hands

"You don't look to bad your self baby"

"Come lovebirds lets goooo" he said dragging the O and knocking on the window

"Okay we coming" we said getting out the car

We just walked around window shopping talking dancing acting like the fools we are then me and Betty got an email from our teacher

"Ughhh omggg" me and betty said at the sametime

"What's wrong babe"

"I have five assignments due at 11:59 tonight" I said rolling my eyes

"Honestly imma just dropout" Betty said as she hugged Ronnie from behind

"Same Betty when you dropout I'll dropout-ahem no nobody is dropping out just turn the assignment late and tell the teacher that you were having technical problems"-Fangs cut me off

"Okay but that's actually a good idea Fangs when did you get so smart" he just rolled his eyes

"I've always been smart Tones thank you very much" everyone just started laughing and we eventually decided to actually buy something we bout come clothes shoes and some other stuff then we went to pops  to grab something to eat by the time we made it back home it was 10 so me and Cheryl just took a shower then got into bed cuddling

"Baby can I tell you something"

"Of course babe what is it"

"I love you princess"

"Awww I love you more"

Two updates in one day since I didn't update yesterday:)

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