Madnessa child comes out Trans✨

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Weird idea ??? Idk kinda seemed clever to me🤷🏽‍♀️
Mason POV
Hi my name is Mason and yes I'm a "girl" it might be weird for my name to be mason since I'm a "girl" but I've never felt comfortable in this body. So I asked my family and close friends to call me Mason, I would tell you my dead name but I don't like it and really wish we could forget about it.

I hate it honestly sometimes I wish I was boy. I wanna tell my parents but I'm scared of how they will react.

I have always been their babygirl and I'm afraid if I tell them that I wanna be a boy or even just start dressing like one that they would be disappointed.

But let me tell you I started hating the way I looked when I was about 7 years. My mom (Vanessa) would dress me in girly clothes and I just never really liked it. It felt weird and it wasn't me but me dressing like that made her so happy and I just couldn't hurt her.

I'm now 14 years old and I'm ready to stop hiding from being my true self. I can't keep putting my happiness down just because of others and I realize that I have to stop putting other needs before my own and that's what I'm gonna do starting today.

I just really hope they accept me. Well here goes nothing.

"MOMMA MOM!!! CAN I TALK TO YOU TWO FOR A SECOND?!" My nerves started to come back as I could hear the footsteps coming up the stars.

"Hey what's wrong babygirl?" I slightly cringed at the nickname but brushed it off.

"I really have something important to tell you guys but please don't get mad or disappointed."

"Hey we are your parents and remember what ever decisions you make we will be by your sides through all of it no matter what." My momma (Madelaine)said holding my hands.

"Right we are here to guide you okay ? We will never judge or be be disappointed in you because we love you."

"Well Okay, so you know how I go by Mason now and it's not caused I didn't like my birth giving name I LOVE IT.I said taken a deep breath before I continued.

"I just-I-it didn't fit me it made me feel weird a-and it was to girly." My parents gave me a confused expression but I just played with my fingers before I said my next sentence.

"I-I don't wanna be a girl anymore AND NO ITS NOT YOUR FAULT, I-it's just not who I am I don't like this body. I wanna be comfortable an that can only happen if I were a boy."

"Hey look at me, it's okay we understand right babe?"

"Yes and look please never be scared to tell us anything because we accept you and will always be their for you no matter what okay?"

"Wait so your not mad or disappointed?"

"Of course not bub." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, I love you guys and I'm so lucky to have you as my moms."

"We love you so much more."

"Now please tell us what can do we to help with your transition?" Mom asked as she rubbed my back.

"Well first lets start small maybe like babyboy or even big boy and you know boy clothing?" I asked with a grin.

"Of course ! We can go can shopping today if you like."

"I would love that."

"And I can I set up a doctors appointment so we will have a professional intake on things."

"OHHH yes so I can get Testosterone!" I said jumping up.

Year later (srry I didn't know how to end it )

"Hey my Name is Mason Morgan- Pestch and I'm one year on T so as you can see alot has changed I have facial hair AND MY VOICE IS ALOT DEEPER. I also got top surgery." I said As I stood in front of the camera pointing to my now flat chest.

"I have come along way and lucky for me I had supportive parents some people may not have that but if you guys need someone to talk to or get advice from my socials are in my description and please never be afraid to ask question. It's gonna be a hard journey at first but there is always gonna be someone on your side or even on the side lines hoping and praying you succeed and become the best you can be. Don't listen to the people whose gonna doubt you because there is nothing good going on for them so they have to hate on you. That's all for today guys and Mason is out , Love you ."

I love this chapter for some reason, I hardly read stuff like that so i figured I'd make a chapter abt it
Ik it's short but it was kinda rushed
Also I'm planning on writing a DDLG chapter soon I just don't know when,suggestions ??👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽

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