✨Being Mixed is Unique✨

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Sometimes being mix is hard because half the time you really never "fit" in. Your not black enough it's a problem then if your not white enough it's a bigger problem.

And this was Vanessa problem. Her being mixed she always had problems with others. She could never "fit" in.

When she would do or say something extra people would say "your so ghetto must be the black in you haha."

The way people looked at her made her feel a certain way, a way she couldn't explain because she didn't have anyone who looked like her to talk to or could understand.

Being called "white washed" for being SMART made her cringe.

"Why can't people understand just because I'm smart and have sense doesn't mean I'm white washed." She would always think to her self but no matter how hard she looked for an answer she couldn't come up with one.

Not being able to sit with a group of kids because she is a "nigger"made her wanna break down and cry.

"It's just a word" For you it might seem that way for her it was more then just a word. A WORD that was use and still is used as a racial slur as white people would say as they beat OUR ancestors. A WORD that holds so much POWER yet people throw it around as if it's nothing.

Then her white side, they was always trying to make her go against the black side "You don't wanna be like the rest of those THUGS" stuff like this really made Vanessa think.

"Why should I have to choose, being black and white makes me different from others. Why can't people just accept both parts of me.

"THUGS" that's what they saw us as. KILLERS. We made them feel "threatened" even if she was mixed . No matter how many times Vanessa tried changing their minds they just choose to believe what they wanted, what their parents and other relatives had taught them.

Lucky she had one person that accept her for herself, someone who loved and protected her as good as they could because RACE didn't matter to her. She wasn't friends with Vanessa because she wanted to use her or anything like that. She genuinely saw potential in the older girl and saw how bad she was going through things and wanted nothing but to help her.

If wasn't for Madelaine Vanessa wouldn't even still be here. She helped her get out that dark place she would never go back to again. No matter how many times the hateful words got to her.

"Hey Mads." The smaller said waving as Madelaine walked to her table.

"Hey V haven't had any troubles today have you?" The redhead girl would always make sure her friend didn't have people mess with her, she was very over protective when it came to still like this.

"Nope not today but I wouldn't wanna jinx myself so knock on wood." She said laughing.

Laughing is something she rely do before she met Madelaine, the poor girl wouldn't even smile. The racists took her happiness away but luckily her bestfriend restored it.

"It's gonna stay that way too and if it don't they gonna have to come to me."

"Your silly Mads, you know I love you."

"I love you so much more."

"No really, you don't know how much I appreciate you. For bringing me out the dark place I once in. If it wasn't for you then there's no telling where I would be."

"Vanessa you had no right being treated that way and I'm so happy I could help. Just know your stuck with me forever."

"Forever." I said joining our pinky.

The bestfriend duo continued there lunch and talked about random things before having to go to the next class of the day well that was until.....

"HEY why did you touch me?!"

"I just wanted to touch your hair, it's so curly. Who knew people your kind had nice hair."

"I don't like people touching my hair ! You shouldn't even be that close to me. I get it's curly and you want to touch it but please don't. Yes it's real, yes it's all mine. Any other questions you have I'm sure the answers is yes." Vanessa tried to walk away but but the girl pulled her back.

"Yooo what's with you putting your hands on my bestfriend?! First you touch her hair which way unacceptable."

"Sorry I didn't mean to touch your little slave won't happen again." She laughing.

Slave this word also stings, makes you wonder. Why would you even let this word come out your mouth. It's not a word we just throw around like it's some slang.

You say "if the roles were revered" OR " Being white is so hard you would not understand" but like what we have to go threw. If we look a certain way we are causing problems, the way we talk is a problem for you, we can't even go to the corner to buy skittles.
(Trayvon Martin)

But as sad is it to say we deal with this everyday, the way we have to fight for a freedom as if this is still 1800.

The way some of let you treat us as dogs is because y'all scare us but no more. We can't handle it. We try to fight for OUR JUSTICE we get abused all because we want EQUALITY all of a sudden we in the wrong.

Are you White people scared to go outside, no no let me ask you this DO YOU FEAR THE LIFE OF YOUR LOVED ONES BEING SHOT BECUSE THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN ?! Scared your gonna wake up and see your BROTHER, UNCLE, FATHER,COUSIN. On the news just simply because they are black. NO you don't so PLEASE stop saying white people have it harder cause PLEASE SIT HERE and tell me what's exactly hard about it.

But it's not all White people it's safe to say that some of them are fighting a long side with us and for them we are grateful.

"I have black friends "okay so what ?! if you have never used your white privilege to save us then why waste your breath ? Oh okay then.

(Y'all I'm sorry I-I just felt that to much but bck to the story)

"Slave?! Bitch what the fuck?! I know you did not just- leave it Mads."

"No she needs to know- LEAVE IT for me please . I beg you."

"Fine but you need to watch what you say around my bestfriend and anyone of that matter. Just because she is mixed doesn't mean she has to go through this stuff, the name calling, the racial slurs, nun of it! She didn't choose to be mixed and she can't change it BUT it's okay because " Being Mixed is unique."

"What's your name your name brat."


"Listen go home and do your research because the way your treating my friend just because she is half Black half White is pathetic. We all bleed the same blood so why should it matter huh?!"

Brooklyn was silent she didn't even dare to try and open her mouth.

"Exactly now we have a class to get." Madelaine grabbed Vanessa hand and walked her to class.

Whew this was alot even for me.
I barley wrote any dialogue but I gotta spread this information were I know people would read it if they won't read do the research their selves

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