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"Come to riverdale hospital qui-quick please it's- it's Cheryl sh-she's been hu-hurt"

~~~~ Toni POV (hours before the accident)

I just paced back and forth thinking how Cheryl and I could be good again once we get done taking our break, that was until my phone started ringing bringing me out of my thoughts.

I didn't recognize the phone number so I started to get worried.

"Hello this is she"

"This is Faith from Riverdale hospital and I'm sorry to inform you that your wife Cheryl Blossom has been in an horrible accident"

"I-I- will b-be on my w-way" once I hung up I immediately called Ronnie and told her to met me there.

"I'm here for Cheryl Blossom" I told the lady at the first desk.

"Umm what is your relationship to her"

"I'm her wife Toni Blossom"

"Umm I don't see your name on any of the paper work" this woman was staring to piss me off.

"Yes it I don't know if your fucking blind or what but I need to see MY wife like right now so just give me her room number so I- but ma'am I can't let you in her room if I don't know your relationship to the patient"

"Listen here you bit-Woow Tones calm down what's going on" Reggie asked rubbing my back.

"Yes mommy calm down it's okay" Auggie said hugging my leg tight.

"She won't tell me what room Cheryl is in apparently because my name isn't in her files or whatever she said" I said rolling my eyes at the girl.

"I'm sorry but I don't see your name on- ughh let me see Veronica said stepping behind the desk.

"You must need glasses okay cause look right here Toni Topaz wife to Cheryl Blossom Topaz is her maiden name you dumb cow"

"You tell her auntie don't nobody mess with you because your a bad ass" I gave Veronica a stern look. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"Ohhh I'm sorry then ma'am her room is 217 sorry for the trouble"

"Mommy why are we here where's momma she okay" Auggie asked me he looked like he was about to cry.

"Mommy doesn't know yet big boy but we are going to find out but can you do mommy a favor please"

"Yes mommy what is it"

"Can you please just stay with your aunt and uncle while I check on momma I want to make sure she is okay before you go in there"

"Okay mommy" I gave him a kiss on his forehead and made my way to cheryls room.

I slowly walked into Cheryls room she wasn't on to many machines which was good I guess. I pulled up a chair next to her bed and just held her hand.

"Umm Cher I don't know if your sleep or just in a coma or whatever it might be but I know we were fighting a lot before your accident and this probably is my fault this could have been prevented. I know you wanted a divorce and I wanted to take a break but I don't want that anymore. I want us to work out problems out together so we can be there for each other and Auggie too. He doesn't deserve to be put through all of that so when you get better I hope we fix things and I know you probably can't hear me but it's worth a try" I don't know if I was I was tripping or what but I swear I felt her squeeze my hand.

"Baby did-did you just - okay okay do it again for me please if you can hear me squeeze my hand as tight as you can" she didn't do it so I guess I was just tripping. I was about to start crying but then

Well ig well never know what happened 🤷🏽‍♀️

Naw I'm jp Me and Queenrin47 made a bet so no cliffhangers for a week

I heard her talk and I was jumping for Joy.

"Ba-babe" she rasped out.

"Yes baby I'm right here okay I'm not leaving what's wrong my love"

"My- my umm d-dick hurts" I can not believe this girl right now.

"Really Cheryl come on your always playing" she tried to laugh but it just made her hurt even more.

"Stop your going to hurt your self more let me get a doctor to check you out"

"Heyyy umm sir my wife is woke and is talking a little bit can you please come check on her"

"Yes ma'am I'll be right there" I nodded my head.

"Sooo I-I umm heard what you said anddddd" she said smiling looking down.

"And what babe" I said laughing.

"I want us to work things out your right I don't want my baby-boy to go through all that sooo I really want to fix things and can I get a kiss please" she asked with her puppy dogs eyes . I couldn't resist.

I gave her a quick peck but of course Cheryl beings Cheryl she had to deepen it no matter how much pain she was in. She tried to slide in her hand in my pants but I hit her"

"No stop I- * knock knock*


"Wait wha- So Mrs.Blossom how are you doing oh and I'm doctor John" 

"I'm doing fine my sides just hurt but other then that I feel no pain" she said winking at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Okay well why you were out we had to perform major surgery on your ribs so that's probably why your sides hurt and don't move to much don't wanna pop your stitches"

"Soooo how long will she have to be in the hospital and what can she not do while having them"

"Well she has to stay in the hospital for three days to make sure she's 100 percent okay and for the stitches please do not have any sexual activity that will cause them to pop within seconds and get infected umm I can't think of anything else at the moment so I'll believe you'll be just fine"

"Okay well thank you doctor and can you please tell my son he can come in now" he nodded his head and made his way out the door.

"Reallly no sex that's not fai- MOMMA MOMMA MOMMA" Auggie little sf screamed running into the room.

"Hey big boy come sit next to me "Cheryl said patting the empty space on the bed.

"What happen why you here" Auggie asked with a frown.

"Don't worry big boy I was just in a little accident I'll be okay"

"And guess what Auggie" I asked joining my family on the bed.

"What mommy"

"So you know how me and momma was constantly yelling"

"Yes are you guys leaving each other"

"Well we talked it out well mostly o did all the talking but still"

"Baby just tell him he looks like he's about to cry" Cheryl said laughing.

"Okay okay so no we are not getting a divorce"

"What that mean no more yelling"

"No more yelling"

"Yayayayaya no more yelling no more yelling"

"You know we love you kiddo"

"Me loves you more mommy and momma"
This could have been publish yesterday but I couldn't figure if I want to post this or the other one🤷🏽‍♀️


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