The One were Toni has a Son PT2

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"Well no but cherry is your momma" I said looking directly in Trey eyes he just sat there for a moment

"What's wrong bud talk to me are you happy about that" Cheryl said

"YESSSSSS I happy so will momma be wiving with us now" and I could tell Cheryl skipped a beat she was smiling uncontrollably I heard her mumbled *he called me mama*

"No because we aren't together"

"Oh" he said looking down like he was about to cry

"Ayeee don't cry buddy but you can come with me for a few days or until you get tired of me then you'll come back to your mom" Cheryl said with a nervous chuckle

"How does that sound babyboy"

"Otay I like dat idea so can I stay with momma tonight "

"Of course bigboy why don't you go pack you some clothes while we talk okay"

"Okay" Cheryl waited till she knew Trey was out of sight before she started talking

"So I wanna work on us again"

"What do you mean" I asked looking confused

"I want us to be together I want us to be a family"

"Cher I don't kno-please TT we can take it slow and I promise all those things I did back then won't happen again you know why"


"Because I Cheryl Marjorie Blossom am in love with you I never stopped loving you yes I know cheated and there is no good explanation to why I did it but Toni Topaz if you let me back in I promise I will be faithful and loyal to you and Trey"

"Okay we can take it slow but the moment you do something out of line you can forget about us" she picked me and I immediately wrapped my legs around her while she placed kisses on my cheek

"Thank you thank you"

"Okay okay put me down you dork"

"I'm just so happy your willing to give other shot"

"Alright momma lets goooo"

"Wow buddy did you pack your whole room" Cheryl asked Trey

"Ehh maybe"bye chuckled lightly

"Well I was planning on taking you shopping and we can buy some stuff your new room"

"Alright lets go then momma"
Next day Trey POV
Yesterday after shopping for my room mama picked up pops and then we went back home and watched a movie in the theater room

Today Mama planned for us to go to Dave and Busters I hope she ask mom if she wants to go because I really want to spend time with both of my parents

Even though they might not be together I was determined to try and get them together but first I have to wake up my mama
"MAMAAAAAAA WAKE UPP AND GET DRESSED" I said jumping on her and popping the P

"No it's to earlier" omg my mama is such a baby I just rolled my eyes and continued jumping until she decided she wanted to get up


"OKAY OKAY I'm up" she said as she sat up in the bed And I just smirked

"Mhm that's what I thought now get up and call mom to see if she wants to with us"

"Okay big boy"

"Yayayaya okay bye I'm finna go get dressed"

"Okay I'll make you breakfast after I get ready" I just nodded my head and went back into my room to get ready
Cheryl POV
We finished eating breakfast and now we were heading over to Toni's Trey told me how long it takes her to get ready so there's no doubt she will be still getting ready when we get there


"Yes bigboy" I said looking in the mirror looking at Trey

"Can me and mama move in with you" I was so shocked I choked on my spit as much as I would like for Trey and Toni to move in with me I know I would have to earn her trust again

"Ummm I don't know about that buddy how about we take it slow"

"Otay" the rest of the drive was quiet I could tell he was in deep thought but I didn't want to rush him into talking about whatever it is

We pulled into Toni drive away and Trey jumped outta the car I guess he had a key because he walked straight in and I followed him but Toni wasn't no where to be found so I went to look in her room

"Hey buddy imma go look in her room"

"Otay it's the first room on the left" I nodded and headed upstairs I went towards the first room and the left just like Trey said and I saw Toni doing her makeup in just her bras and panties "Cheryl" I heard bringing me back to realty

"I-huh umm what did you say" I asked stretching the back of my head awkwardly

"I said do you like what you see"I walked to sit on her bed

"Uhh yea I do I love it" she immediately straddle my lap

"I'm glad but umm you should close your mouth Cherry

"What are you doing straddling my lap" she moved closer to my chest causing me to get a boner

"Mhm hard already I see babe" she said smirking she then kissed my cheek then got up

"UGHHHHH reallyyyy now I'm horny" I said with a pout

"Well to bad we gotta get going so let me get dressed and I'll meet you to downstairs"

"Okay princess"
At Dave and Busters
"Having fun Babyboy" the brunette asked the smaller boy

"Yesss thank you you mama and mommy for bringing me here"

"Anything for you big boy we love you" the redhead and brunette said in unison

"I love you guys too"


We have 2k reads thank you guys so much
That's Trey room at Cheryls house
Should I write a smut it's been a minute since I wrote but I'd probably only write for Choni

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