Toni changes their pronouns

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Toni has been having problems with her sexuality and pronouns, she's comfortable with using she/her but also wouldn't mind using he/they as well but she hasn't really told anyone especially not Cheryl worried how they would react.

Right now Choni was cuddling on the coach in their den Fear Street 1666.

"Sarah Fier deserved so much better can't believe everyone was scared of her and comes to find out it was the damn Goode family." Toni said looking for another show.

"Exactly and her and Hannah were so happy with each other." Toni just hummed in agreement letting her thoughts take over.

Cheryl was sensing how Toni mood was changing from happy an comfortable to nervous and scared.

"What's wrong my love? You seem a little nervous, what's going on in that amazing brain of yours?"

"It's just I've been thinking alot lately." She said fidgeting with her rings. Cheryl noticed and immediately took her hands in hers.

"Thinking about what babe, I won't judge what ever it is."

"Well I've thinking about my sexuality,pronouns like I know I'm bisexual but I kinda like he/him pronouns you know but then I like using she sometimes. I don't wanna be identified as a male either like I'm still a female."

Cheryl was quite shocked to say the least but her main priority was to make sure her girl felt safe.

"That's okay my love, how about we don't put a label on it for one and we will use all pronouns." Toni smiled softly.

"I like that but how would you introduce me to someone such as your family they would be confused."

"I'll just simply say this is Toni Topaz my significant other,he loves to take pictures they are a really loving person and lastly she is the best partner I could ask for." Cheryl said shrugging.

"I like that, thank you so much babe."

"Anything to make you feel comfortable." They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies

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