A Jealous Bish

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@madelame;PSA So apparently you hoes forgot who @VanessaMorgan belongs to So just to let you horndogs and thirty boys and girls know she's mine not yours and nobody else we are together forever we are in this for the long run 💍

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@madelame;PSA So apparently you hoes forgot who @VanessaMorgan belongs to So just to let you horndogs and thirty boys and girls know she's mine not yours and nobody else we are together forever we are in this for the long run 💍

@VanessaMorgan; Your sexy asf babe
@madelame;Thank you babygirl❤️

@camimendes@; Protective much
                    @madelame; Very much so 😉

@brooklynJ; I could easily steal your girl
      @madelame; Mhm nice to know but that will never happen     
       @brooklynJ; Actually finna slide in her DMs right now
         @Madelame; Yea yea whatever have a nice day
After making that post about Vanessa I went back to emailing a few people I just had to let people know that they can stop trying to get with her because it will never happen I heard Vanessa call my name so I got up off the couch to see what she needed

When I walked in the room she was just in underwear and Lace bra and I was getting hard by the sight

"What's wrong babygirl" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist

"Uhh some girl Brooklyn- let me guess messaged you on insta" I said causing her to look up at with a confused stare

"Yea how'd you know"

"Let's just say we had a few words and she told me she was gonna message you did you message back" she shook her head no turning to face me

"Tell her you wanna meet her then I'll go with you and give that bitch a piece of my mind" I told her moving my hands down to her ass rubbing it

"But ba-No she think she's gonna steal you from me I need to tell her that she's messing with the wrong one"

"Ugh okay fine" I gave her peck on the lips

"Now go finish getting dressed so we can go out" I said smacking her ass
Messages between Vanessa and Brooklyn

@brooklynJ; Hey I think your really pretty😉

@VanessaMorgan;Thank you so much you don't look to bad yourself 🙃

@brooklynJ; Thx cutie I was wondering if you would like to go out with me

@VanessaMorgan; Uhm I have a girlfriend and I'm sure you know that

@brooklynJ; Yea yea but what is she exactly doing for you that I can't

@VanessaMorgan;  her di-sorry everything she gives me the world I doubt you can do the same

@BrooklynJ; Well let me take out and no it's not a date just as friends

@VanessaMorgan;Uhh yea sure

"Babe look I did it" Nessa said showing me her phone

"Okay cutie I love you"

"I love you more"
Next day Vanessa POV
I was getting ready to meet this Brooklyn girl but Mads wouldn't be able to go with me I think she said she had to run some errands for work so she would just meet me at this little cafe

I wore a black sports with some black shorts with white nike shoes and my little bald purse

~~~~~~~So now I was just sitting here waiting for this girl to show so in the meantime I was just scrolling on Instagram and sending streaks on snap

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So now I was just sitting here waiting for this girl to show so in the meantime I was just scrolling on Instagram and sending streaks on snap

"Hi Vanessa" I heard someone say I looked up and I guess this was that Brooklyn girl

"Ummm Hii Brooklyn right" I asked with a confused look

"Yep that's me and let me tell you look more beautiful in person" she said sitting next to me but I just got up and sat across from her

"So umm your girlfriend where is she" She asked with a smirk I looked down at my phone checking the time

"She should be here soon she had some stuff to do"

"Well tell me about your self" she tried holding my hand but I jumped back causing her to stare at me confused

"Wha-why did you do that I just want to hold your hand I do-See that's the thing you cow she has a girlfriend and yet you keep trying to flirt with her when she's rejecting you" Madelaine said standing over her

"I-umm I- I wa-Yea yea I honestly don't care what you were doing or what you were trying to do but this girl right her Vanessa fucking Morgan is mines and we are together forever but you knew this because I told you that you just refused to except it" Mads said sitting down next time wrapping her arms around me and I gladly cuddled into her

"Yea Brooklyn sorry to break it to you but I'm happy with Madelaine and I don't plan on ever leaving her and she's not gonna leave me"

"Ugh whatever but this won't be the last you hear of me I'll be back" she stomped out off the cafe we were in and left

I pulled Mads into a passionate kiss which turned heated super fast she tried putting her hands in my panties but smacked her hand

"Babeeeeee why'd you do that" she asked with a pout

"Because we are in public now let's go because your taking me shopping"

"But I took you shopping yester-I don't care if you don't take me shopping now no sex for a week" I said with a smirk

"Ughh finee let's go but first you gotta change or we'll at least put a shirt one"

"For what I think what I have on is perfect fine there's nothing wrong with it"

"Your right if your boobs wasn't so fucking huge and the whole word could see them and I don't want nobody seeing them expect for me" Madelaine said kissing my boobs

"Baby stop and let's go" I said dragging her out the booth

"Are you gonna go home and change first"

"Yea I'm gonna go home and change first" I said rolling my eyes
Is it just me or do that picture really look like them??

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