My ghost Friend

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I was watching Julie and the Phantoms when I decided to write this
In any form or fashion I am not wishing death on Vanessa I hope she lives and gives birth to her baby boy without any problems may she lives to be in old age so lord please keep my wife safe 🙏🏾
Had to make that clear because 2020 is one heck of a year
Madelaine POV

I was cleaning out my garage when I found this  CD in an old box so I decided to play it I ran upstairs to my room plugging it into my computer

I was enjoying the song then out of no where this random girl poof into my room


"YOUR ROOM THIS IS MY HOUSE so your in my room" The blonde head said looking lost

"Umm no I'm pretty sure this is my house I've lived here for three years now"

"That's impossible I was just here last night"

"Ummm sorry to say but you wasn't here last night I was home all night by myself What's your name"

"Vanessa Vanessa Morgan I'm an actor and singer that song you were playing I song that in one of my movies" I pulled my phone out and started to look her up

"Umm Vanessa your dead"

"DEAD THERES NO WAY I CANT BE DEAD WHAT" she said as she walked back and forth panicking

"Here look for you self" I handed her my phone watching her as she read over the article

"Here look for you self" I handed her my phone watching her as she read over the article

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"I- wait what year is it" she asked looking up from the phone with tears in her eye

"2020 and that was released in 2015 so you have been- I've been dead for 6 years wow all this time " I quickly brought her into my embrace comforting her while she just cried
Hours later
"Hey are you okay now" I asked while rubbed Vanessa back

"Oh umm yea thank you"

"Your welcome just you know helping a friend out" I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes everything about her was beautiful

"Friends I like the sound of that"

"I'm glad sooo since you know you've been gone for quite some time maybe your hungry"

"Can umm ghost even eat I mean you see stuff like this on tv but never in a million years would I expect it to be real" Vanessa chuckled nervously

"I'm not sure but hey you won't know till you try so follow me to my kitchen" I dragged her downstairs to the kitchen and immediately starting taking out some snacks

"Okay so try seeing if you can lift this bag of chips"

"Whew okay" she was really focused she even did this thing with her tongue showing how focused she was I found it cute


"Hey I'm sure you can look let me help you" I tried holding her hand but I went straight through here

"Sorry let's try again focus okay" she nodded her hand and took a deep breath I reached for her hand and it worked her hands were able to touch

"LOOK I DID IT I DID IT" Vanessa said jumping up and down like a little kid in a candy store

"Yesss you did I'm so proud of you Nessa no- Nessa mhm I like it cutie"

"I-umm-I uhh yea th-thanks" why am I stuttering dang it Madelaine

"Okay now let me see if I can touch this" we dropped hands while she put all her focus back into trying to touch the chips bag

A couple minutes she finally did it and I was so proud of her

"LOOK umm I never asked what your names was beautiful" I could the blush in my cheeks who knew a ghost could have this affect on me

"M-Ma-Madelaine Madelaine Pestch"

"Well Madelaine thanks to you I can touch things"

"That's what friends are for Vanessa"

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