Cheating prank

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"Hey guys it's Madelaine and today we are doing a cheating prank on my baby Vanessa now this is just for entertainment purposes only I would never cheat on Nessa I love her to much okay so im gonna go change and set up the camera"

I went to my closet and put on a black lace lingerie then I sat up the camera in front of the tv but I covered it up with a scarf so she wouldn't be able to see it I wonder if I would get dicked down after this video I thought as I bit my bottom lip okay anyway back to the video Madelaine

"Okay guys so I'm back I changed into a lingerie which I can't show you because Vanessa would be mad if showed you guys what belongs to her so I'm not sure if y'all can see but I set up the pillows to look like a body so when I hear Nessa come in I'm going to start moaning and saying some stuff so now all we gotta do is wait"
Vanessa POV
I was leaving the mall I told Madelaine I was going to get her a few things so I got her some more clothes shoes then I went to the candy place and got her favorite candies just because I like spoiling my girl

I finally made it home I was walking through the door when I heard moaning coming from upstairs so I immediately dropped the bags and went upstairs

"Ahhhhhh FUCKKK D-DDADDY" I heard Madelaine moan as I got closer to our door so when I opened the door I was heart broken

"I-gonna Shittt da-BRO WHAT THE HELL" Mads jumped up and saw me and I just started crying I couldn't hold the tears I couldn't believe the love of my life was cheating on me

"Baby wait it's not what it looks like come here"

"What do you mean it's not what it look likes I literally just walked in on you riding somebody else calling them daddy but it's not what it looks like"

"Well when you put it that wa- I thought you were different you know what FUCK YOU IMMA OUTTA HERE" I rushed out the room with tears running down my face and just sat in my car before I pulled away
Mads POV
Well I just fucked up is it crazy to say I still want her big ass di-no Madelaine stop you need to go get your girl

I walked downstairs seeing bags full of clothes and my favorite candies awww my baby was spoiling me

"I quickly ran outside seeing she was still here and yes I was still in my lingerie I wasn't thinking I just wanted my baby back

"Vanessaaaaa open the door I'm sorry"

"Madelaine WHAT THE HELL look what you have on" she said rolling her window down

"Yea yea but I'm sorry it was just prank come back in and I can show you"She sat there thinking for a moment

"Fine only because I don't want anybody else seeing you the way I do"  I grabbed her hand as she walked behind me and dragged her into the house

I ran upstairs to get the camera to show her that it was all a prank

"See her babe look watch this it was just a prank video I would never cheat on you" she sat down watching the video and laughed a little She pulled me into her lap and just held me tight we stayed like this for a few minutes

"I'm sorry babygirl" she pulled out of the hug resting her hands on my ass

"It's okay baby you know I love you right"

"I love you more mamas forever and always she told me giving me a peck on the lips

"I saw the things you got me thank you so so so much"

"Anything for you but umm you looking sexy as hell in this lingerie" she said rubbing my ass

"Well maybe you could tear it off of me" I whispered in her ear

She then picked me up and ran upstairs and laid me onto the bed licking her lips and looking me up and down

"Well this is gonna be a fun night don't you think love"
Y'all want smut next chapter ??

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