Chapter 78

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Two ppl asked fa this do I remember who?! No but I think it was CHONISTANN and its_chonibish
SH3R33 helped me write this ;) also didn't rlly proof read.
Cheryl and Toni were currently having a make out session in only their undergarments soon to be interrupted but they didn't know that. They were to busy in the moment to even care.

"Ba-babe I need more,please." Toni said in between breaths. Cheryl flipped them over so now she was hovering over Toni's body kissing down her neck. "Patients my love." she said as she rubbed her lovers thighs.

"If you don't hurry up I won't have a choice to please myself." The smaller girl smirked, she knew how much Cheryl disliked for her to pleasure herself. She felt why use a Toy when she could just use her fingers and her eight inch dick.

"You wouldn't ! you know how much I dislike that." she said while looking directly into Toni hazel eyes hoping she could see that she was lying." Watch me then." Toni slowly moved from under Cheryl walking towards their closet. She pulled out a pink rose. She walked back out of the closet, slowly pulled down her panties then sat in a chair in the corner of the room propping her legs up on the sides of the chair.

"Babygirl, when did you buy that?" she asked, raising a brow. "Uhh like last week while you were gone but that's not important.Just watch me use it dear." she placed the rose between her two pussy lips turning the rose on the highest setting.

"Hm t-this fe-feels g-greet." she moans, throwing her head in pure bliss. Cheryl on the other hand was getting furious by the second. Watching Toni enjoy pleasure from the toy was sending her over the edge.

"AHHHH SH-SHIT!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD BABE......Even better than you." That was it that sentence sent her over board. She got off the bed walking to Toni,she threw the toy from her hand adding her tongue into her lover's heat. "Baby!! Babe sl-slow down." she said, grabbing a fist full of Cheryl hair pulling it.

"No you can take it from that toy then you can handle the real thing babe." She stuck her tongue in and out of her wife's soaking pussy while hearing her scream in pleasure. She moved her hips closer towards Cheryl's face, noticing she was backing away.

"WHY DID YOU FUCKING MOVE CHERYL!!! I WAS FUCKING CLOSE TO CUMMING!!" Just as the ginger was about to speak there was a knock at the door. "Don't open that." Toni semi yellind.

"But ba- No if we just be quiet i'm sure they'll leave." Cheryl wasn't quite sure about this but figured she'd listen to Toni." Okay fine, now go lay on the bed. Legs spread wide." She did what she was told while Cheryl got cuffs and a gag ball. Once Cheryl gathered what she needed she sat them next to her on the table and laid on top of her lover kissing down her neck.

Cheryl made her way down in between Toni breasts, kissing in between them.

"Please baby ,I need you." Cheryl moved her left hand down to cup Toni soaking pussy rubbing her index over it, earning a soft moan escaping her mouth.'' What do you need my love?"

"I need your dick daddy." she replied with a simple okay then proceeded to reach over towards the table grabbing the gag ball placing it in her mouth then cuffing her hands above her head.

"Okay princess." She slowly took her hard member out her boxers slowly stroking it with the pre cum that was oozing out. She slowly inserted herself into her wife as she talked through the gag ball.

"Shh my love is a quiet place." she nodded her head as Cheryl went deeper moaning into her

heart. "So hmm t-tight." she grunted. Toni was in pure bliss, her eyes rolling to the back of her head. Cheryl looked down at her lover smirking knowing she's the only one who can please her wife the way she wants.

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