Madelaine is a little✨

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Vanessa is mommy/momma but mostly mommy during sex, Madelaine is cherry n etc....idk how to start this tbh
Uhhh Madelaine is 5 years old.
"Babygirl you have your toys everywhere." I said sighing. She is always leaving her toys around and will not pick them up.

"Sowwwyyy Momma. Fogive me pwetty pwease." She asked with that pout I love so much

"Ughh okay fine but if you don't then no more candy after dinner, you hear me?"

"Wes I hear you."

"Thank you now gimme kisses." Madelaine jumped into Vanessa arms showering her with kisses."

"Okay okay, enough Mamas." Mads gave her one more peck before jumping down.

"Oh Mommy can aunties And uncles come over?! Me miss them."

"Of course baby." I went and grabbed my phone off the couch, calling the gang.

"Yea okay I'll let her know."

"They come ?!" Mads asked jumping up and down.

"Yes baby they are coming."

"Yayayayaya me miss them so wevy much."
Couple minutes later the gang finally made it and we were just chilling in the living area watching movies.

~After the Gang Leaves~
Madnessa was cuddling on the Sofia watching Julie and the Phantoms on their beautiful Friday night. While Vanessa was enjoying the show Madelaine wanted to do more then just cuddling. She wanted some adult cuddling *wink*

The redhead kept moving trying to get Vanessa attention but it seemed like nothing was working till mads brushed against her center.

"Babygirl why the hell are you moving so much." Vanessa growled in her ear.

"I-umm can't get comfoable that all Mommy." The younger girl said awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"I think your lying Mami."

"Umm no me is not." She said now looking at Vanessa.

"I know when your lying babe, just tell me. I won't get mad."

"Pomise?" Madelaine asked in a sweet baby voice.

"Momma promise."

"Can we do more then cuddles." She asked pointing her to index finger towards each other.

"What do you mean Princess?  I could tell she was thinking because she had her tongue poking out on the side laying with her fingers.

"Ohhh I get it! Baby you must be horny baby?" She nodded her franticly as Vanessa  hovered her, placing soft kiss on her lips.

"Mhmmm more mommy."

Vanessa lifted her shirt over her head going back too kissing down her body.

She then started to rub her finger over left boob taking it in between her fingers nidding it.

"Pwease I need more."

"You need more of what Princess.Tell me where do you need me my love?"

"Down their." She said pointing to her private area.

"Okay be patient." Vanessa slowly trailed her fingers down to cup Mads pussy.


"Shhhh babygirl." Since Madelaine wasn't wearing any underwear it was easy for Vanessa to just slide her fingers in.

"How many fingers baby?"

"T-two pwase."

Nessa slid two fingers inside her girlfriend below her which resulted in a soft moan. Slowly going in and out, Nessa looked at her girlfriend who had her eyes closed shut.

"You know the rules babygirl" nessa said as she started going deeper. Mads whimpered and slowly opened her eyes to look into the brown ones staring down at her.

Vanessa bent down to bring her girlfriend into a kiss and used her free hand to twist Mads nipple. Madelaine moaned into her mouth and shifted her body to get more friction from the fingers inside of her.

Minutes later, nessa felt Mads tightening against her fingers and one she was about to cum. Right as she came, nessa looked at her girlfriend with a harsh glare. "Who said you could cum yet" nessa growled. "I-I'm sorry M-mommy-" "Shut it" nessa demanded and Mads

whimpered. "You've been a bad girl so far, and do you know what happens to bad girls" nessa said as she trailed her hands from Mads center to her neck. Mads said nothing as she looked at Toni with a guilty look on her face.

Nessa gripped her throat which gained a huge gasp from the girl below her. "Do I have to repeat myself or what" nessa asked impatiently. "N-no Mommy, I sorry." Mads said softly. Nessa said nothing and waited for the girl to answer her question. "Bad g-girls need t-to be p-punishment" Mads stuttered out. Nessa smirked and said "that's right, now I'm going to get your punishment ready. While I'm gone. Strip from all of your clothes and lay on your stomach. If I see you still with clothes on, your punishment will be worse". Mads nodded and nessa gave her a look in which she whimpered "Yes Mommy". Nessa smiled and walked to the closet to look for her box.

Once she found the box, she smiled widely and took out 3 of her favorite items to use. Once she got them, she exited the closet and saw her girlfriend completely naked and on her stomach like she was instructed to do.

Nessa walked to the side of the bed and bent down to run her hand through mad's hair. "I see you listened" she stated.

Mads nodded and Vanessa took one of the items and cuffed her girlfriend's wrists to the bed. Mads eyes widened and nessa gave her a look to warn her not to say anything.

Nessa took the other pair of handcuffs and cuffed her girlfriend's ankles to the bottom of the bed. She took the second item and ran it across the red haired girls back.

The red haired shivered and had a feeling what the item was, fearing for the worst. Nessa brought the whip up and slapped it down onto the girls ass.

Mads screamed at the sudden contact, then quickly shut her mouth. "Was that a scream I heard" nessa taunted from behind.

Mads shook her head no quickly then realized and squeaked out "Yes". She heard her girlfriend chuckle behind her, yet she didn't say anything.

Mads held in her hiss as the whip came in contact with her skin again and again and again. "Why aren't you counting" nessa growled. "I-I'm sorry Mommy" the redhead whimpered out. "We're starting over from one" Nessa stated and started over again

Seconds later, "MOMMYYY FUCKING SHIT!!!". Breathing heavily, Mads wiggled so nessa's fingers could move away from her now sore area.

Nessa pressed down the vibrator on her clit and the redhead squealed as she started squirting.

Nessa rubbed her fingers over mad's pussy, making her juices fly everywhere then placed her mouth in it to catch the rest. "Mmmm" she loaned, sending vibrations through the girl's core.

Turning off the vibrator, nessa brought her head from her girlfriends core and smiled. She moved up and brought her girlfriend into a passionate yet nasty kiss.

When she pulled away she asked "Are you okay princess". The girl nodded her head and said "I okay mommy".

Nessa smiled and laid down, wrapping her arms around the girl. She kissed her forehead and said "Go to sleep baby, I know you're tired".

Mads nodded and stuck her thumb in her mouth as she laid her head on her girlfriend's bare chest, slowly falling asleep.
Anywayyyyy thank you to bestie who wrote the smut cause I was so fuckin stuck 😭briisk_333

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