Choni gets Married PT2

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I did not prof read so excuse any mistakes you see
Previously at Chonis wedding
"I object"
"Uncle Jim what is your abusive ass doing here and how did you find out about us getting married"

"Well my friend here told me all about it who heard from your little friends who couldn't stop talking about and I quote "chonis wedding" he said rolling his eyes

"Really Kevin you have got to learn to stop being so loud"

"Aye how did you know it was Kevin" fangs asked clearly trying to stick up for his boyfriend

"Because Fangs Kevin couldn't keep his mouth shout HE NEVER CAN" Cheryl said laughing a little

"My bad I didn't know this garbage was in town and since nobody had yet to ask what friend are you talking about sir" Kevin said standing up from his seat

"Well you fagg-aht no you don't get to come to MY wedding and disrespect MY FAMILY his name is Kevin so please call him by his name"

"WELL IF IT ISN'T THE SERPENT SCUM" a dark figure said behind the cracked door of the church It was kind of hard to make out who it was but I could tell it was a female voice that I've heard before

"Well here's my friend come on out Penelope" and when everyone heard that name we just froze we were so in shock until Cheryl said something

"Ugh mother what on earth are you doing here" Cheryl said walking towards her but I tried to pull her back but she yanked away from my arm

"If it isn't you,you loveless child"

"AYE Cheryl isn't loveless she isn't deviant okay she's sensational" (I had to do it)

"Aww thank you TT" she said kissing my cheek

"I AM DISGUSTED people really support this girl on girl relationship even when ones a dick your nothing but freak Antoinette always will be one your nothing but a useless piece of shit of grew up on the south side"

"Ughhh Penelope do not talking about my future wife like that she's the person who brought me happiness after JJ died the ONLY one who saw I was hurting even after I was a cold hearted bitch to her she was the one who rescued me from the sister alongside with Ronnie but if Toni hadn't been their no one else wouldn't have noticed I was missing so you do not get to trash talk her"

"Aww thank you babygirl I love you sooooo much and now CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GET THIS PROSTITUTE OUT OF THE CHURCH SO I CAN MARRY MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND " I said basically screaming of the top of my lungs I was so mad that it felt like I had steam coming from the top of my head like the dude anger from inside out

"Heyyy baby calm down okay" Cheryl said coming back over to me rubbing my sides

"I'm sorry it's just I've been waiting for this day for a long time and I can't stand how these to ignorant folks are ruining it"

"I understand baby so Sorry to tell you Penelope and umm Tim or whatever your name is but your plan isn't going to work so you might as well leave and never bother us again orrrr you can stay and watch us get married your choice"


"AHT AHT its fine I'll just take these two with me" FP said grabbing their hands

FP took those two out of the church I don't know what he was going to do with him but I planned on asking him about it later

"Okay now before we were rudely interrupted" the pastor said as Everyone just laughed

"Now Cheryl blossom do you take Antoinette to be your wife"

"Yes I do"

"Great and Antoinette do you take Cheryl Blossom to be your wife"

"Hell yea I do"

"Okay you may now kiss- I didn't even let him finish his sentence I quickly pulled Cheryl into my embrace and smashed our lips together this was a passionate kiss full with nothing but love and happiness she smiled into the kiss as she pulled away

"I love you Cheryl Topaz"

"I love you more Antoinette Topaz together forever and always"

"Together forever and always and till death do us part"

"Till death do us part"

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Anddddd Read sumnerc3 book please

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