Why Archie Why

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The Core four plus Kangs and Choni were all at  the speakeasy just watching movies and enjoying each other since they haven't had the chance to due to their end of the exams

"Can you guys believe we will be heading to college in in 3 months" Betty asked everyone as she took a sip from her

"It feels like we just started high school" Toni said smiling at everyone

"Yea it's crazy how far we've come" Cheryl said looking at Toni

"How about we tell each other our favorite memories" Veronica suggested

"Okay I'll go so my favorite memory is when
is when we all popped fire crackers during the Fourth of July it felt really good to be with each other and reconnect" Jughead said while stuffing his face with burgers

"Damn Jug slow down anyway I'll go next so my favorite memory is when Tughead sleepy with each that was funny you guys should have seen the look on Jug face when Toni said she liked girls more " Archie said while laughing uncontrollably

"Wait what I never knew about that"

"It happened long ago babe when bughead got into about Betty doing the serpent dance is old news love don't worry about it" Toni tried calming down an angry Cheryl but nothing seemed to work

"If you don't want me to worry about it why didn't you tell you me huh I thought we were done keeping secrets"

"I- we- I was go tell you when the time was right but we had to much going on"

"Really TT we have been together for three years you had you had plenty of time to tell me"

"Cher- No Toni just leave me alone I need space" Cheryl got up leaving everyone shocked

"Why Archie why" Toni said bringing her hands to her face
Cheryl POV
I was mad at Toni how could she keep something like that from for so long even though they weren't together at the time it happened I feel like she should have still told me our relationship can't have any secrets

I was in pops just thinking when I felt Toni sit next to me

"Bae I'm sorry I didn't tell you I guess I was just scared of how you would react I didn't want you to leave me" she said rubbing my back

"I would never leave you no matter how mad I may be at you I love you so much TT I see us getting married and having 5 kids together it just would have been better if you had told me soon instead of having me to hear it three years later form someone else"

"I know and I'm sorry I promise no more secrets"

"Pinky promise" I asked holding my pinky out

"Pinky promise" she linked her pinky with mine while she pulled me into a loving kiss

We heard people cheering and clapping so we pulled apart

"Awww my Choni heart you two are so cute" Kevin said wiping away his imaginary tears

"I'm sorry Cheryl that wasn't my place to say that I thought you knew" Archie said scratching his head awkwardly

"It's okay Arch I should have told her don't beat your self up"

"Wellllll how about we go back down to the speakeasy and watch a movie" Jughead asked stuffing his face with food

"Your always eating but I like the sound of that" Veronica hit the back of head causing him to choke Betty quickly ran over to help him

"Let's go what y'all waiting for" Cheryl asked getting out of the booth
Thx to @choni_littlemix

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